After Miya left, I went to bed.... This place, I'm dreaming again. "It's been a while, how's life?" "Who are you! Why do you keep showing up and giving hints on future events?" "Well, I can't say much but, I have my reasons. I'm taking a huge risk by communicating with you, so listen to my suggestions and try remembering and decoding them the best you can. Stay vigilant, keep an eye out for suspicious actions, it doesn't matter how much you trust someone. It's very unlikely but, if you realize who 'she' is you might be able to change everything, U2hlIGhhcy'BhIGdvYWwsIGl04oCZcyBzZXQgdG8gaGFwcGVuIGEgd2hpbGUgYWZ0ZXIgc2hlIHNob3dzIGhlciDigJhvdGhlciBzZWxm4oCZIERPTuK'AmVQgRVZFUiB0cnkgdG8gcmVhc29uIHdpdGggaGVyIGl04oCZbGwgb25se'SBjYXVzZSB5b3UgdG8gcmVhY2gg4oCYVGhlI'EVuZOKAmSBmYXN0ZXIg'64'..." Huh? I woke up. What was that? I wasn't able to understand most of that dream and I couldn't remember the things I could understand. I should be more careful, even if I have no idea what I'm watching out for, just having one of those dreams means an important event will occur soon.
I got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. Miya said that she would have decided whether or not she would be joining me on my journey by morning.
-Start of an Adventure End (part 2/3)-