Letter of Farewell

"Thanks." I took the letter and walked back to my room. 'When did he get the time to buy paper?' I unfolded the letter.

You weren't that annoying. Maybe we'll meet again in another world.

Sincerely, ....rian.

"Whose he calling annoying!" 'In another world. Almost sounds like he's talking about the after life...' Part of his name was smudged. So Rian wasn't his full name, well it did sound more like a nickname. 'Sigh,' I'm back to being alone. I was out of food and needed to find a restaurant to eat at. The nearest place open was a small diner named Via Appia. "Hello! Table for one please." "Alright, follow me." A waitress lead me to a table and handed me a menu. "Could I get today's soup together with a baked sweet potato?" "Soup and sweet potato, 'Kay it'll be ready in five minutes." After a short while. "Enjoy your breakfast!" 'I still have a year before I can head back to the last village and meet up with the three girls, I'll have to get a job in the meantime.' I finished my breakfast. The busiest part of town is the town center, I can try looking for job postings there.

This town is a market town. Many of the people working were merchants. I can't go to far from village we're meeting so merchant isn't a possible job for me. Then, I saw a guild sign with two swords in an X position. 'Adventurers Guild."

-397 days 'till promised meeting (400 days a year)-