"Why don't you put away the sharp object first?" "Answer my question!" Fine, I'll stop irritating him. "It was easy to tell. If it was a terrorist attack there would have been multiple explosions set off. Also, the blue fire just screamed 'distraction!'. " "Then why did you have me run towards the carriage before the explosion?" The boy, who was no longer tense, put down his sword. "You could call it intuition. My intuition is quite good from all the traveling I've done. Also, you're the prince right?" "Wha,What are you talking about?" He said while slightly stuttering and gazing to the side. "Geez, you really are denser than I am. Your sword has the same symbol as the queen's carriage," I explained with a slight giggle. You really can't help but laugh when you meet people like this.
"How's the soilder who got shot?" I changed the topic to stop embarrassing the poor prince. "Not good, he probably won't survive." "Oh..." I felt a bit bad since I technically caused his injury, he should be happy since he protected the queen right? "You can request a reward as replayment for your deed." "Hmm. If that's the case I won't hold back. Do maps of the whole country exist?" A map of the country could be great for learning purposes. "That's all you request?" "Yep, that's all." "Give me the address of your inn, I'll have it sent over tomorrow." "Ok," I wrote down the address of my inn.
-395.5 days 'till promised meeting-