Canceled Event

Due to the assassination attempt, the celebration was canceled and the queen went back to the capital heavily guarded. 'There goes my plans of relaxing and enjoying the event.' I won't be working until the day after tomorrow so I have nothing to do the two days. 'Maybe I should go help out somewhere, are there part time jobs in this world?' Then, I remembered the abandoned church. My mother was very religious, I used to follow her to church everyday after school. 'She'd be super angry if she ever saw a church in that state.'

A kind old lady allowed me to borrow her broom in exchange for helping her carry groceries. 'This is going to take a while.' I spent the entire morning sweeping the church. Then I got a bucket of water and washed the fabric covering the chairs. 'This place really reminds me of the church in my old neighbourhood. I wonder if I could patch up the broken windows, the only construction I've done was the World's Gate. A few messed up windows wouldn't make this place worse, would it?' I went back to the town center to buy wooden planks, nails and gloves. I carefully removed the broken stained glass, then used a rock to smash the nails into the wooden planks.

'It doesn't look as bad as I thought it would! Alright, the only thing left to do is dispose of this broken glass. "Hey! Are you throwing that glass away?" An old man stopped me. I thought for a second then realized. 'My gosh! I'm an idiot!' I had completely forgotten how difficult it was to make glass by hand. "Nope. But I was wondering if this broken glass could be reused for something." "There's a vase maker who would be willing to buy it for a good price. I could take you to her if you give me a quarter of the sale price," the old man replied. It's not like I'm in need of money right now, so I just agreed. Since the glass was from the church, I used the money I got to buy a paint-like colouring to fix the church walls.

'I'm done! If it's possible, I'd like to move near the church so I could keep an eye on it. Oh well, I can think about it tomorrow.' I went back to my inn.

-393 days 'till promised meeting-