The townspeople's sprit have been raised significantly since the competition started. Our town, being the closest to the capital, will be first to get any news on the competition. I might try to get a day off to attend the new queen's soilders enlisting, but for now, I still have a bit of work left.
Most of the adventurers are currently at the capital so the number of job requests have been halved, but at the same time, in order to accommodate all the adventurers needs, more merchants are leaving for the capital. More people leaving town means the need for more guards. To deal with this, the guild has to gather up everyone leaving on the same day and have them leave together.
Honestly, I think they should employ soilders to guard the road for the next thirty days. Approximately six thousand people travelled to the capital within the last few days, no one can benefit from a merchant being robbed on the way there. I headed over to the church after finally being done dealing with annoying, repetitive job listings. I'm really enjoying working at the church, not just because of the benefits that come with my title. It's quite relaxing reading books and occasionally listening to people's stories on why their here. Also, a few townspeople have been helping me with repairs, the rotting wooden floor is almost done being patched up! I'm looking forward to the news on the competition, maybe I should ask the prince to tell me how the two I helped are doing.
-384 days 'till promised