Young Mistress Jin Fu

"Mentor why ....."

The killer in front of her said sarcastically " Hehe... I never thought you would actually show up here just because of your mentor. Quiet an attitude for an assassin "


"Your days are over Violet Flower."

The second-best assassin was dead.

After being betrayed by her mentor just because to gain money; she promised herself just before her breath left her body that if she ever gets a second chance, she will trust no one just because they were close to her. She died full of resentment.

The killer before her laughed hysterically. The killer was just about to check her body if there were any valuables before a white light completely blinded him.


Heaven Calendar Year 1328

Violet Flower felt that as if someone was calling her.

"Young mistress Fu, please wake up..."

She just thought that the noise might be the last calling before ascending to the heavens. But noise did not diminish, instead it became louder and louder. Then, she felt that someone was tugging her.

She opened her eyes abruptly. All she saw was a plain ceiling and an ancient looking sliding door.

Beside her was a woman who seemed to be roughly about 30 to 40 years of age.

"The Young mistress is awake. This servant will go get some water right away for the Young mistress to freshen up." The servant called Cai Xiang was startled before she realized that the young mistress needs some water.

"You, wait....." Before Jin Fu could ask anything a wave of memories assaulted her inside her brain like a tsunami. She immediately got a headache because of the set of new memories.

"Young Mistress is something wrong?" Cai Xiang got worried because she saw that the young mistress was frowning.

"No. Nothing is wrong. You go bring me some water."

"Yes, Young Mistress"

Cai Xiang went out of the room to get some water while secretly being worried for the Young Mistress.

Awhile later Cai Xiang came back with water and gave it the Young mistress.

"Here is some water for the young miss to drink and freshen up."

"Thank you, Aunt Cai."

"You don't have to be polite in front of this servant."

"Aunt... I'm still not feeling well. I need to get some more rest."

"Its alright Young Miss. This servant understands."

Cai Xiang slowly exited the room so as to not disturb the Young Misses sleep.

Violet Flower just closed her eyes so that she could sort out this fresh set of memories which didn't belong to her.

Jin Fu was 9 years old and the 7th Young Miss from the Jin family. She had two elder brothers and one Elder sister while she was the youngest one. Her brothers and her sister received good treatment from her family. While she was exiled from the Jin family which was in the Imperial City. It was because someone from her family made her into a jinx that will bring misfortune to her entire family. It was not like she used to live a good life inside that house. She was always locked away inside of a room and giving only adequate food and clothes to sustain life. It was said to her that her mother died while giving birth to her therefore she was alienated from her family to the outcome of banishment.

The memories didn't even contain the fatherly love that a daughter should receive since the child's mother was dead. All she knew was that her father is a General in the army. Therefore, Jin Family is considered one of the influential family in the city. From this it could be seen that how much even this child birth father, her brothers and sister loathed her.

The only two good things was that firstly she received allowance every month in this village which was far away from the Imperial city, thus they will not be able to know what she is up to with it. Secondly, they had sent with her a trusted maid who looked after her for the past nine years. This was all due to respect of her late mother.

From this moment on she has decided that she will be Jin Fu in this new world. Since she is Jin Fu and since her family abandoned her, then she will also abandon her family. She also promised to herself that she will not be constrained by any rules and regulations which was put by the society.