Qin Shan and his wife Xin Yu rushed to little Qin's room with the nanny in tow behind them. The two saw a large wooden door at the end of the hall and rushed in, and saw the natural energies of the world slowly be absorbed by little Qin.
The natural energies were cradling little Qin like how a loving mother would her own child. "What!" Qin San and Xin Yu said simultaneously their eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets.
The more gently the natural energies were absorbed by someone, the more that person was favored by the universe. The way Qin Lan was currently absorbing the energies, he would undoubtedly become the strongest warrior earth has ever known if he puts in effort into training.
"We definitely have to hire top notch martial artists, and swordsman to help nurture little Qin." said Qin Shan his eyes gleaming with pride.
"With a son like like this i'll be able to die with no regrets." Qin Shan said so softly, no one could hear.
He looked down onto the face of his son, as he finished absorbing the natural essence of the world. "THIS IS MY SON!" he yelled.
In several other parts of the world the same thing that happened to Qin Lan was happening to hundreds of children everywhere. The Earth was getting prepared for a great calamity, one that could very well destroy the very Earth itself.