
Just like what she did in the Grinding Sub-Realm, Fang Yu will use her Origin Core Energy to interact with the cores inside her body.

'"Putong putong putong." Fang Yu's Origin Core Energy roiled inside her body like flowing water, turning into a maelstrom inside her dantian.

"Tsk, Congeal!" Fang Yu shouted out as she converted her Origin Core Energy into countless projectile-shaped objects.

"Thud thud thud." Using her intense mental concentration, Fang Yu manipulated each of these objects to impact against her cores.

Since Fang Yu was not sure on how strong each of her 'Knocks' will be, she just decided to use a different method to ensure that she will not slip up.

Instead of changing the power in each of the projectile that she created, Fang Yu will just use the same amount of power in each projectile.

What she will change for was the amount of the projectile objects that she will use on each core.