As he went through the hole, Fang Lin expected that his fall was going to be a thunderous one, given the extreme depth of the hole that he just went through.
But to Fang Lin surprise, he suddenly saw a claw-like hand reaching out from the depths of the hole, clutching on Fang Lin, which prevented his fall.
This hand then descended towards the bottom of the hole quickly, bringing the hapless Fang Lin with it.
"It's great that a hand personally received me. I almost thought of having to use my abilities here just to cushion my fall…" Fang Lin thought to himself as he observed the hand that was grasping him.
"This hand… it looks humanoid, but also something monstrous. It was as if it was a combination of the two…" Fang Lin muttered as he tried budging out of the hand.
To Fang Lin's no surprise, he found out that the gripping force of the hand was too great even for Fang Lin resist against.