Taking things too Far

Since he seems to have gotten their trust already, Fang Lin reckoned that he can easily ask the redhead with some things that he badly wanted to know.

"You, you really do not know when to talk properly…" The redhead muttered as she let out a sigh.

Her body was mostly relaxed now, as she started to treat Fang Lin not as an enemy, but rather just another passerby.

"You are strong, that I can say about you." The redhead muttered as she gave Fang Lin an appraising look.

"I do not know how you were able to be that powerful even when you are inside this prison… But I also do not care. What I just want to know is your real identity."

"Oh, I am Xiao Chen.' Fang Lin replied quickly as he stated everything that he knew was the truth.

"Wait, are you that Xiao Chen? The person that was wanted by the whole clan for a year? That was you?" The redhead suddenly blurted out as she gave Fang Lin a disbelieving look.

"Well, that was what they told to me…" Fang Lin muttered quietly.