General Atticus

I did promise to serve the country, but I vowed to love you.




Finally having some lay out of her scheme, Xael pondered to herself, "Well, this body is still not ready for what I've plan. Let's start the reconstruction!!"

Saying that, Xael opened Xael M. stats window and distributed points in some respective area.




" C H A R A C T E R ' S D A T A "


" Name " : Xael Martineau

" Age " : 24 years old

" Gender " : Female


" Exp " : 147,000

"Hp " : 1,300 (+3,700)

" Mp " : Not applicable

(Experience stat has 100,000 pts. and Health Point Attribute has 1,000 pts. for an average human by the age of 25, Mana Point Attribute is not applicable in this world.)


" Str " : 170 (+830)

" Per " : 129 (+371)

"End " : 142 (+858)

" Cha " : 117 (+383)

" Int " : 134 (+366)

" Agi " : 172 (+828)

" Lck " : 12 (+13)

(All stats have 100 pts. for an average human by the age of 25, exception of luck with 10 pts.)




Finally satisfied, she immediately closes the status window and her senses returned to where they should belong to.

Opening her eyes, a room filled with juniper green touched high class wooden furniture welcomed her. As she transmigrated to the body of Xael Martinaeu, Xael felt no foreign even if she's doing what Xael M. was used on doing.

She rose up on her feet before she started her stretching. After thousands of years of being transmigrated, Xael has mastered the art of being versatile; still she knew that without proper preparation, things may go dangerously.

She silently walked in front of a door that is connected into another room. Opening it, she saw a pink showered girlish room. It was a total opposite of the room she woke up from, her genuine room.

What Xael M. meant when she said that she regretted hiding her true self was that, in the eyes of Charles, she maintained the image of a housewife woman, a proper lady from a military family who only knows things such as sewing, cooking, and the likes. Isn't that the greatest combination; a man who's fit to be called a knight and shining armor with a woman who's pure as a princess.

Whenever Xael M. invited Charles into a 'private conversation', she would always bring him in the room specifically made to support her image of a fragile young lady. Thinking about it, Xael shook her head.

As she closed the door to the connected room, a soft knock was heard from her genuine room. "Good morning, Miss Xael."

"Good morning, you could state your business," Xael said without even letting the maid enter the room.

"General Atticus has summoned your presence in the study."

Another one of the things that Xael M. has been hiding is that, this girl, who was seen as a warm lady, has always been the strict and hard to please woman. Along that, she never allowed anyone from entering her room; her Grandfather is the sole person who could take a step inside, not even Charles.

"I'll be there shortly." Xael turned to the bathroom taking some quick wash up, she wore some casual light pink robe, matching up the event series of the world.

Currently, she's still in the time set half a month before the barbarians come to attack the town.

There's still a lot of time to prepare, first I just have to build up some backgrounds in regards to the steps that will be taken on later. Before achieving those, I still have to act out being helplessly in love with Charles.

As soon as she's ready, Xael proceeded to the study. She knocked expressing her appearance then entered in silence.

The room was the typical rich man's study, spacious yet filled with precious books, maps, and antique looking armor.

Not focusing on the background, Xael gazed at the man who seems to be in his early 50's sitting in the chair specifically made for the head of the family.

"Xael, it's good that you're here. Are you still sick? I've heard that your fiancé will be visiting tomorrow to check upon you," General Atticus said while flipping some papers on his desk.

Damn it! Is this one of the scenes where Xael M. invited Charles to have some 'private conversations' with her? How could I transmigrate in a wrong time!!

Xael has lived for millions of years, gaining a surplus temperament and patience though she still retained her foul mood inside her head.

And this old man!! He knew that Xael M. was feigning some sickness that he had the guts to summon her, letting Xael walked a distance rather than visit her granddaughter himself.

"It seems that sleep helped me to recover. I hope I didn't worry you, Grandfather. I was also ashamed that Charles would spare me sometime just because I caught a cold." The corner of Xael's lips slowly lifted, it gave the feeling of sadness and worry but if you look at it in the perspective of someone who knew Xael very well…

"Who says that you getting a fever a small thing!? If he doesn't come and see you, I'll blow up his whole face ah!!" her grandfather furiously replied slamming the papers on the desk as he rose on his feet.

Xael sighed. This grandfather of his is doting yet shy to the bones.

"Grandfather, Charles is a very sincere person; of course he will visit me. So please, you have to calm down and don't get mad at him." With Xael's response, her grandfather could only sigh in defeat. "By the way, Grandfather. I would like to ask your consent. I was planning on taking a walk around the town today, if it's alright."

General Atticus could only give his permission as if he's used on seeing his granddaughter's state. For him, it's no news that the child would definitely do her best to catch Charles' love.

"I know, it's for that young man, no?"

Hearing his question, Xael smiled to herself, her plans kept on rushing on her head.

Yes, it's for Charles. Xael M. might not regret loving him but I'll make this guy regret wasting that precious love.