The Condition

I did promise to serve the country, but I vowed to love you.




The atmosphere became very dreadful.

General Atticus who's always in his poker face were now so dark, even a dense person will understand what he's feeling. Sigvard and Sigfred who just entered the hall was also taken aback.

Amongst the shock people, Xael was the first one to react. She clenched her hands as she chewed on her lower lip as if she's trying to stop herself from crying. "Whatever kind of jest is this, Charles, it is not even the slightest bit funny." The expression of hurt was vividly seen in her eyes.

Charles, didn't even batted an eye. He looked at Xael feeling repulsive every second he did. "I'm not here to make jokes. I just felt that, she deserves someone better than me, after all, being a coward and self-centered is not in my blood."

General Atticus who's being restrained by his sons from the start finally couldn't contain himself and grunted, "Impudent! By what basis do you have to call my granddaughter a coward! She can be a saint or a devil but she's never a coward!"

Xael didn't knew if she wanted to laugh or to cry at the words of her grandfather. Are you really trying to defend me?

"That's a huge case of defamation, young man!" Sigvard said, his tone not a least bit different with General Atticus.

"Slandering is against my justice, besides refuting what I've said is not possible. I've seen it with my own eyes; how Xael deserted an old man who needs her help. Despicable."

Yet before things go to beyond repairable, Xael lightly lifted her hand to command silence.

General Atticus, with his character as a doting one, still wanted to say something but Xael's face was not giving him a chance to do so.

"I don't know what you saw that made you look at me like that but it's not true. You know me Charles. I'm not like that." Xael defended herself.

"Xínɡdònɡ shènɡ yú yányǔ*. My eyes won't betray me like you did so stop crying in front of me, I won't change my mind just because you're acting weak. I'm not naïve like before."

Talk about betrayers, of course, you're not naïve, you're a big piece of jerk meat. Xael softly snorted giving ridicule to the things Charles has said.

"Fine! If you wanted a marriage cancellation then I'll give it to you." Giving a bitter smile, Xael walked in front of Charles. Even though their height has a big difference, that didn't stopped Xael on her intention. "But in one condition."

"That's negotiable," Charles said as he coldly looked back at her.

Xael gripped on her dress before saying, "A single question. I'm going to ask you a single question and I want you to be honest with me."

"As long as it's not---."

"Did you ever truly love me?"

Charles was suddenly startled, even Xael's grandfather and uncles was not left calm either.

He didn't expect that Xael would actually have the guts to ask him this despite of what's happening right now. As he recalled the moments they were together, he decided to say his final lie.

"I did."

Ahh! He didn't even blink when telling this to me, this nincompoop. Xael was full of bitterness for Xael M. but she didn't let the chance slip again.

As Charles stared at the tight lip girl in front of him, he didn't expect what happened next.

Tears started to flow from Xael's eyes, she looked up trying to stop the tears from falling but it didn't stop.

"It's not your responsibility to love me, but at least respect my feelings and stop feeding me lies. You're so cruel Charles, such a heartless man! You said that I betrayed you but aren't you the one betraying me! And I'm so ashamed that not even a single time did I regret loving you," Xael said what Xael M. wanted to say.

She almost shouted out, her throat was dry like those words were the most honest thing she has ever said since arriving in this mission world.

In Xael's mind, a soft dinging sound appeared.




" M A I N M I S S I O N "

"To Fullfill Xael Martinue's Regret"


" Features "

Regret No. 1 : Letting my grandfather down and making him sad. [ Status : 20% / 100% ]

Regret No. 2 : Hiding my true self. [ Status : 25% / 100% ]

Regret No. 3 : I wasn't able to properly confess my feelings to Charles. [ Status : 100% / 100% ] [ Completed ]


" Rewards "

To be claimed after the 'Main Mission' is successfully completed.


" Remaining Time Left "

135 days




Returning back to reality, Xael looked away as she wiped the fake tears that is leaking from her eyes.

"You're right. We're not meant for each other. Even if you lied to me, I'll give you what you want..." Xael took a deep breath before saying, "I, Xael Martineau, legal member of the Martineau Family, declare that the marriage arrangement between me and Charles has been nullified."

After Xael finished her piece, her stare turned cold. Like her expression of love and hurt from before were nothing but a lie. She didn't waste more of her time as she averted her eyes.

General Atticus who's black in anger spoke, "I'll deliver the message to your family. You can leave now, strangers are not allowed in the family hall."

Charles looked at the thing Xael gave him, he wanted to throw it back to her but he lost his chance. Grasping it, he turned towards the door.

After stepping out of the hall, he could finally hear the small whimper and sobs of the girl in inside. Contradictory feelings surged his heart.

He wanted to comfort her and believe that what he saw was an illusion but countless of things rushed into his mind prevailing him to do so. In the end, Charles decided to not say anything as he was not sure of his own feelings now.

It was my duty, my responsibility. She was the one at fault! So why is she hurt? Did I do wrong? Where have I gone wrong?

Those words circled his mind which is what Xael intended. Smirk was slowly emerging on her face.

I'll let you taste karma like bitch.