Willow's True...

Arc : One (1.14)

I did promise to serve the country, but I vowed to love you.




Xael was not the kind of person who would blurt out curse like it's the norm, but when she does, she will continue to do so until her head was completely cool.

Malicious attitude? No, it's actually being expressive.

She's been learning how to become open-minded, but even so, she's been keeping tabs of the things that have been done to her, saying that, the first one who received her harsh words was Willow.

What's this?! First, you didn't inform me that there's an upgrade with the system. Second, you didn't give me an exception when I clearly needed it. Third, you upgraded something that is not even usable! If you're aiming to become the most incompetent and pathetic system in the whole Ethereal Void Space. Well, you're doing great!

Xael was now gritting her teeth, not because of anger but because of regret. She wanted to slap herself for actually barking at the wrong tree, forgetting to leash her mouth.

She could be overbearing and shameless but not with Willow. After being together for so many years, she understood that that system is someone not to be trifled with.


✽Willow: [ You piece of shit. What did you fucking say? ]


Willow's graceful and very mellow voice has turned even more honey covered. It was too soft sounding that what she's saying held a bigger fear in Xael's heart.


✽Willow: [ Hoh! You must really wanted to die 'cause I'm itching to burn your motherfucking soul right now? Right, maybe you've forgotten. Listen dipshit, I hold your neck, your son's neck and soon, maybe your husband's too, so you better tuck your tongue under your dirty and shitty little mouth before I slice it off to use as a plaything for your son. ]


Xael shuddered, even though she's still haven't seen Willow in person, Willow's voice was like an electric current that could flow on her whole body and send her chills enough to know that Willow's blood thirst was overflowing.

Xael nodded her head in trepidation as her attitude turned into a puppy one.

I'm sorry.

Xael's voice was sincere, it was like a child being bullied. The eerie silence lasted for a few minutes and after a few more, Willow's voice finally echoed in her head.


✽Willow: [ Good. Now back to business. ]


Xael was finally able to breath that her face was actually pale from fright, even so she listened to what Willow has to say.


✽Willow: [ The second set, soul scan, could only activate if you're in contact with the three dantians of the target person. The upper dantian, middle dantian, and lower dantian. When you tried to activate the soul scan earlier, you failed to even met a single one of this requirements. ]


Dantian is a core energy of the body. The system from the Ethereal Void Space would usually use the dantian, infusing it with a soul piece of the host in order to properly own the body.

The upper dantian is located in the forehead between and slightly above the eyebrows, the middle dantian is in the centerline of the chest at the level of the heart, while the lower dantian is found in the lower belly 2-3 inches below and 2-3 inches behind the navel.

Pressing a finger on her temple, Xael was now having a headache. She understood that when the requirements said three, it literally means three.

Pah! Won't I look like a pervert then?!

The idea was very stressing but so what? The things she has given up and sacrificed was much larger than her pride and integrity. This much is already considered light.

Not holding on to her grief, Xael fell asleep with mixed feelings.


The next morning, as she was about to step out of her tent, a bouquet of flowers were laying first thing in front of her tent.

Knowing what happened, a twitch came from Xael's brow. She was confused with the attitude gap between the man she has met at the fields and the man at the camp. It was polar opposite.

Charles was dignified and very disciplined, too graceful yet manly while the only thing Rosenberg could emit was perverseness.

Xael picked the flower as an action from the last hint of respect earned from her past impression of Marshell but she didn't expect that the flower she accepted that day was never the last one.

Whenever she got to her gazebo, a flower would always be waiting at her seat. Every time that her food was delivered to her, a flower would accompany it by its side. And by the time she got back to her tent, a flower would still be waiting for her at the entrance.

It became a routine.

Xael didn't know whether to be pleased or annoyed as three days has passed and the man who sent the flowers didn't even bother to show up.

She didn't anticipated that the one who would approached her would be Yvonne, the world's child's female lead.

At her gazebo, Xael didn't spoke a single word as she stared at the girl who almost tire her brows out just to glare at her. She didn't inquire and patiently wait to what the so called fated girl would say to her.

"Weren't your engagement with Lieutenant Eccleston already severed? I presumed that you have no legitimate reason for staying here any longer, after all you've already accomplished your goal," Yvonne said.

Xael only continued to stare as she has already considered the possibility of Yvonne confronting her but not this early. Thinking back, she still haven't taken any other moves against Charles.

Why is Yvonne acting up? Even the world's rule is also getting out of control.

"If you can't understand what I meant, a sophisticated young miss who only knows how to treat a battlefield as a vacation place is not welcomed here. You're not suitable for a place like this, so it's better for you to go home."

Yvonne was naturally blunt, whether it's her first sentence or the second one; it wasn't masked with any sugarcoating. But Xael is not a person to be trampled with. Smiling, she replied in a lazed manner.

"You don't have either the rights or position to question my presence here so I suggest that as long as your mouth is spouting garbage, don't talk to me. I'm not fond of dirty mouths like yours."