
I did promise to serve the country, but I vowed to love you.




The night was still flourishing; Marshell couldn't help himself as he squeezed again the hand that is in his grasp.

He has never thought that Xael would give him a chance, after all, he betrayed her.

He might not have said any lie but he didn't open his mouth to confess either. It's essential to keep a relationship is a strong foundation, and trust is a major part in terms of that.

Thinking back, he was not the only one who has been keeping a secret, but he wouldn't over step his bounds as personal space is still necessary.

Good advice, coming from someone who's petty enough to become a stalker.

Throwing that aside, Marshell is in his half witted state, in bliss after hearing her answer.

But who are we talking to; of course, Marshell was in his edge trying to control his self, to not bite the delicacy that was tempting him after that kiss.

He couldn't forget the softness of those lips. As soft as a pudding, I can't help but want to taste it again.

Of course, he didn't show any hints of that as his face could only express a light smile.

If Marshell was in cloud nine, another person was on the brink of terrorizing pain.

Charles was stupefied, his feet were trembling, and millions of hurtful itch has gnawed his heart into a pitiful state.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this," he said. If Xael heard those words, she will definitely agree. Yeah right, it won't. She has changed and will change everything, and Charles is one of those people who will suffer on her hands.

He didn't know, was it because Xael has said something he's not and should have been aware of or because she has tried to open her heart to others?

Before he could stop himself, Charles was already charging towards Xael and Marshell. His face were grim, blindness has took over him as he roughly stride on the fields.

Yvonne also heard the sweet exchange that happened between the two. She was informed that Marshell has been keeping an eye on Xael but it was beyond her expectations that it was due to desire, no, love.

Lowering her guard down, with her messed up feeling, she was caught in surprise when Charles suddenly came from behind.

Unknown to whether it's by the world's rule or to the god damned luck Xael possessed, Charles stumbled upon another stupefied person.

Charles was sent kneeling on top of Yvonne who was grasping his wrist like her life depends on it.

As the force of the two of them was directed towards the couple's location, they reached the land part where even grass is not enough to cover their presence.

The happening was abrupt that it caused and ear piercing and cricket sounding awkwardness. As their eyes met each other, it was as if Charles and Yvonne were having their rendezvous while the other two caught them in the act when it was simply the other way around.

Everything was like it was in a slow paced, in those moments, Charles reflexively gazed at Xael, the hurt on her eyes were very visible as if she was restraining herself to say anything that would most likely broke her into tears.

Charles jolted up, not bothering to look at Yvonne who was involved by accident.

The first thing that got on his mind was hope, that Xael still has feelings for her, that he could explain and comfort her and everything will eventually go to how it was supposed to be but Marshell immediately used his body as a boulder.

"Lieutenant Eccleston, we didn't mean to get in the way between the two of you so excuse us besides, it seems that you already have your hands full so try not to stretch it to grab more." In a swift, Marshell was already acting so protective. "Especially on what's mine."

"... Yours?" Charles face turned sour as he asked. His hope came crashing as fast as it was formed.

Before he could even retort, Marshell cut him off. He turned to Xael and stole a quick kiss from her lips saying, "I did say that I'll wait for you but that doesn't mean that I'll allow you to be with someone other than me. You can only love me, no one else."

His eyes were staring strongly; it's bewitching yet melting at the same time. It's driving Xael crazy she almost hold her breath.

Marshell looked back at Charles smirking as he led Xael out of the fields.

It was pitiful, Charles was able to move but he was not even given the chance to say his piece while Yvonne just remained on her position, tears were rolling down her face.


A month has passed, in this one month; Marshell has done his everything to cultivate the feeling that budded in Xael's heart.

He was very attentive, even when he's busy, he didn't missed any of his chances of seeing his woman even if it's just a glance.

Xael on the other hand was undoubtedly happy that at times, she will let out a small chuckle.

It was clear to her that her husband was on the edge, restraining himself on laying his hands on her. No matter how hard Marshell tried to hide it, his craving and lustful gaze kept spilling from his mask of gentleness.

From time to time, Marshell would stare and gulp, he will doze off turned stiff and ending it all up with a praying stance. It was cute that Xael laugh whenever he did that.

She was not the least bit worried that a month was already deducted on her time limit.

Well, why would she? When she knew what's going to happen and already figured out the identity of the person behind all of this.

Just as she expected, one afternoon, the mood in the camp was lightly murky and damp, the signs that their informants finally alarmed the leaders that a war will soon break out at the south east borders.

All high ranking officers were called for a meeting.

Xael, for not being a saint because she's not, didn't even give a single clue about the movements in the enemy camp; after all, it was reserved for her darling husband to get all the spot light.

After the meeting, Xael excitedly grabbed Marshell's hand to lay out her plans with him, but who would have thought that another problem will rise up.