Fly's Meat

"Sing only for me and I'll give you the world."




Green themed wedding on the gorgeous field of flowers were Xael and Marshell's precious day. It was pretty as her wedding in her original world but in a different sense.

The couple has spent their life together exploring kingdoms after kingdoms. Rather than laying their hands on the military issues, the couple was lax as they turned their travels as a relaxing vacation on country sides.

As she returned to the Ethereal Void Space, Xael immediately scanned the glass coffin where her husband laid before he was abducted. Though she has already guessed it, it still didn't diminish the amount of disappointment she felt seeing it was empty.

Remembering her memories with her husband in the last world, disappointment turned into a feeling of expectation. Countless of possibilities came out from that one world experience.

Every morning, Marshell would make her flower crowns as Xael would watch him near the fields. He will always gently lay his creation in her head before caressing her face quite jovially. It was satisfying.

The only thing missing on that almost perfect life is a child. On that E - class world, Xael did not conceive a baby, rather she can't.

Though both of them didn't made a big deal out of it, Xael was not able to stop her self from being bothered by it. When she resorted to asking Willow, silence was the only one to welcome her. At times, when Willow acted like that, Xael could only nod understanding what she meant.

"Welcome back, my dear." The voice once again welcomed her, with that her son then popped out of thin air and into her arms. Xael hugged Xyther before pecking his bubbly cheeks.

She couldn't remember how many times she dreamed of taking Xyther to his father. From the original world, the two wasn't able to meet; maybe she could change it this time.

She continued to play with her son as Willow resumes her speech. "This E - class world's missions' rewards are transferred to your space account. Like usual, you could check the inventory to activate and deactivate your earnings."




" I N V E N T O R Y "


" World's Serial Number ": E – 810452

" Rewards ":

{ Main Mission }

Reward No. 1: Fragment of Action Key (1/4), Body Set

Reward No. 2: Fragment of Senses Key (1/4), Body Set

Reward No. 3: Fragment of Emotion Key (1/4), Spirit Set

{ Hidden Mission }

Reward No. 1: A great backer for the main mission. [ Used ]

Reward No. 2: An item to support you on the next world. [ 1x ]

{ Overall Mission Bonus }

Reward No. 1: 50,000 pts.

Reward No. 2: 2 Open Slots for Souvenir Shelf

Reward No. 3: Memory Storage Capacity Upgrade

Reward No. 4: Fragment of Xyther's Memory




"It's overall passable." Xael hummed, earning a total of 50,000 points was not much she could say. She was delighted to know that her memory storage increased but the thing that made her smile was the last reward.

That undoubtedly was a great benefit for her son, how could that be a bad news. Still that is not enough, she knew that she could not rush things up but she couldn't help it as discomfort flashed in her heart for a moment.

Xael spent time with Xyther for a few days until Willow informed her about the update of her mission. "Dear, the next world is ready. Please give confirmation to activate transmigration."

She could, of course, take some time to relax on the Ethereal Void Space; it's her choice on whether when she'll transmigrate. It's just that some unfortunate event interfered with her first transmigration that she was forced to jump on the world on surprise.

Pondering, Xael said, "Open World Status for the next world."

Like the first world, computer like window containing informative data for the next world emerge in front of her.




" W O R L D S T A T U S "


" Class " : S

" World's Child " : Anatasha Ostcliffe

" Charles' Event Series " :

Anatasha was a spoiled young miss of a very famous medical sect. She was pretty, smart and rich. She was destined to catch men's hearts, well except for the man she was in love with. She became malicious and vengeful, in the end, she died.

For short, your perfect cannon fodder, that was until Anatasha hit her head when she was turning 20. Series of memories flashed into her head revealing her world's greatest secret.

She was reincarnated as the main rival from her favourite reverse harem - otome game, Black Symphonia: The Royal Affair. Correction, indeed, she loves it to the core but it's impossible to love something as a whole.

No matter how much people would not admit, even their most precious thing possesses something they like the least or worst yet, unconsciously being hated upon.

In the game, Anatasha hated the character of the player, for short the heroine. For an idealistic high-school girl like her (in her past life), only pure and kind-hearted maidens deserve what you call perfect love which the heroine lack the most.

Ivory, the canary of Scintilla Territory, has the voice that could calm the storm, like the warmth of the sun in a cold ice land. If one could have a beauty that could ruin a country, Ivory has both the face and the voice that it was a total defeat without a counter.

Though it was like that, she was frivolous, liberated, cunning, and would seduce any men she wanted leaving them in tears in the end. Very far from your kind hearted girl.

With series of plan, and the help of a cheat she obtained after regaining her memories, Anatasha was determined to change the course of the story.

She successfully snatched all the romance flags and routes of the heroine entering the reverse harem having significant figures at her disposal.

" Other Details " :

Cheat no. 1 : Poison Master

Cheat no. 2 : Poison Inventory Space





Xael pursed her lip. She loved acting indifferent but with how things are looking right now, her character is not much as adorable as it looked like.

"Ho? A bitch with good voice and another bitch with over-powered cheat, well, I don't mind being the first bitch but..." Xael's brow twitched expressing a very pissed expression. "... why does this girl suddenly has a secret identity?"

Answering that question, Ivory was indeed keeping a secret but Anatasha didn't know that. At the end of the original game, it was true that she dumped all the love prospects but she did it quite politely.

"What is wrong with this world's child? Just because things didn't go the way she wanted to, she decided to push her ideals to Ivory, letting her take all the blame. To be honest, Ivory was merciful, letting useful prey out of her grasp but it was badly misunderstood." Xael muttered to herself.

Unfortunately for Ivory, she died before the gaming company managed to release the second series of the game. There it was revealed that Ivory was an assassin and all the men that she encountered were nothing more than work.

She snuggled with little Xyther on her hands before opening Ivory's character data.




" C H A R A C T E R S T A T U S "


" Name " : Xael Ivory

" Age " : 20 years old

" Gender " : Female


" Exp " : 362,000

" Hp " : 1,600

" Mp " : None

(Experience stat has 100,000 pts. and Health Point Attribute has 1,000 pts. for an average human by the age of 25, Mana Points Attributes is available due to world's child cheat.)


" Str " : 110

" Per " : 132

" End " : 157

" Cha " : 181

" Int " : 138

" Agi " : 170

" Lck " : 14

(All stats have 100 pts. for an average human by the age of 25, exception of luck with 10 pts.)




Just with the glance, Xael knew the in and outs of a character data in this world. "So that's why this is considered as an S – class world." Xael nodded smiling to Xyther before lightly rubbing the tip of her nose on his cheek. She grinned before shaking her head. "Too bad, her cheat was nothing but a fly's meat compared to mine."