Operation In Open!

Through the trees and foliage, two discs whistled forward, creating a sharp slicing sound. Wherever the discs flew, there would be bitter yelps of Demonic White Phantom Snake dying.

Ashlyn stood in her place and made a grasping motion. The discs returned back to her hands, and she then brought her eyes to a small path where Verna was lying on the ground. 

Her eyes were shut tight and her entire body was covered with a crimson layer.

Sophia and Jenina sat next to her shoulders. Their expressions filled with both worry and shock as they saw the five orbs floating above Verna. 

Zed was crouching at the end of her feet with his eyes on a digital tablet.

"Surely he can't have such advanced medicinal knowledge?" Aileen wondered in her heart.

She didn't dare state her doubts at such a time. She was aware of the venom injected in Verna's bloodstream, and knew there was next to zero chances of her survival.