Couple Therapy (Final Part)

In the counseling room, Roger was shell-shocked, his eyes wide.

"Rubie chose me... and not Kiba!"

He repeated these words in a loop.

Minutes passed, after which he lifted his head to look at Gerrell Windsor. The counselor has his eyes shut with a serene expression on his face.

And why wouldn't he have such an expression?

Rubie was serving him under the desk. She bobbed up and down his cock while rubbing her soaked panties. Her musky scent of arousal was like a sweet, spicy scent... making him really happy.

Roger didn't know that. He mistook the serene expression as the confidence of the counselor.

"He does have reason to be confident."

Roger thought of everything the counselor has said... and realized the counselor has been right all along. It didn't matter if it was about his hidden fears or about Ruby having an ideal situation!