Virgin Waterfalls

The developments in Eden would have inspired Erone, the pope of the Holy Church, had he been there.

His mission to spread the church's influence would only intensify, guiding men to the unique happiness that came from giving their women to the Lord.

Steve's transformation was a testament to his success. Steve's bride, Constance, was taken by the Lord on their wedding day, in front of his parents, no less, and in the House of Hestia. The event had converted Steve into a fervent believer, despite the animosity the House of Hestia had against Kiba. He now regularly extolled the virtues of the Lord's actions, much to the anger of his clansmen, who hated Kiba for putting Lord Harley into a coma.

Even Alan, the husband of Katherine and father of Sophia, would be pleased by these developments.

Ever since Alan had seen his wife transformed into a "Good Wife" in the Infinity Maze, he no longer felt excitement, anger, or any strong emotion.