Sky Persecution

"Oh, Yale is really good with the sword, he should be at the expert stage."

Sebe didn't fail to notice Yale's ability with the sword, for a kid of Yale's age, that was considered something very remarkable.

Besides the pig-man who wanted to disappear due to the shame, the other people at the Elder Rank were surprised by Yale's performance. Since Yale had battled only with arrows, they hadn't thought that he was even more skilled in melee battle.

In power level terms, Yale and the pig-guy were both in the Top 10, but although both had the same realm, everyone considered the pig-guy stronger than Yale due to being older and bigger.

The experts at the Elder Rank had made their rankings before the start of the training camp; the first was without doubts the guy with goat horns and following him there were other six guys with a realm higher than Yale.