You Are My Only Family

"Are you serious?"

After hearing Yale explanation of his plans to leave the continent the next day, Swordmad was shocked.

"I am serious. Sorry, but there is no way to avoid this travel."

Swordmad already knew that Yale was a reincarnated expert. Although that wasn't publicly spread, the higher-ups of the Revgen Empire knew it, and Swordmad, with his current level, was someone with the qualifications for learning about confidential topics. However, for him, Yale's past life didn't matter because Yale was the one who became his disciple.

"Then I will go with you."

Yale nodded immediately to Swordmad's words because he was hoping that Swordmad would say something like that. After all, Swordmad was powerful, and Yale had complete trust with him. He was more like a father than the biological father of his current life.

"I will follow you even if you don't want. I followed you by countless worlds, how can I fail in following you inside this one."