Four-Fifths in an Instant

Yale and Ronragruk were standing in the air seeing the incoming army.

Neither of them wanted a war, but since they were being attacked, they didn't plan to beg for mercy either.

The tribe had been surrounded by a lot of complex formations and traps, and given the difficulties of the terrain, the defending party had the advantage.

However, since the other party dared to attack, it was clear that they had confidence in obtaining results, so no one dared to underestimate them.

"All of you have no way to escape. If you surrender now, you might live as our slaves. Especially you Ronragruk, I always wanted a dragon as a mount."

The man who shouted from ahead of the army was the birdman ancestor who was hiding his true level and seemed to be just a peak Law Master.

"Is that bastard again... He had always been asking for trouble, but he never reached this extent..."

Ronragruk recognized the other party and needed to admit that they had prepared very well.