Yale's New Battle-Style

Except for the servants, everyone in the house went to see the spar between Yale and Terug.

Although all of them believed that there was no way that Yale could win, at least they wanted to know how much he could endure, and they even believed that a draw was possible.

Yale cast the Absolute Protection, and Terug activated the isolation barrier of the training ground.

The isolation barrier let those outside see what happened inside, but it was impossible that those inside interacted with those waiting outside, so it was safer for those that wanted to see the fight.

Yale's absolute Protection covered just the area inside the isolation barrier thanks to that. Although Yale didn't need to use too much energy for a small Absolute Protection, it would be tiring creating a huge one like he did when battling against Lina. However, that time there hadn't been any other option, and they needed to battle.