Peeking farther down through the gently swaying bridges, Xuefeng noticed an ocean of clouds drifting only a few hundred meters below. The entire wooden metropolis seemed suspended high in the sky, far from any solid ground.
A sudden wave of vertigo seized him, prompting him to back away from the edge. A city in the skies? he wondered, mind churning. Wasn't I dragged underwater? Unless I was transported while I was unconscious, I should be underground.
Taking a calming breath, he allowed his enhanced senses to focus on the slender figures moving along the distant bridges. At least they look human, he thought, relieved. It was better than stumbling into a city of monsters. Turning, he realized that the treehouse he occupied dwarfed all the others—a grand, sprawling structure perched high above the rest. Its polished railings and intricate carvings hinted at wealth and status, and an ethereal beauty lingered in every detail.
Am I in some kind of palace? And why was I naked in bed? he wondered, calling to Ling in his mind for answers. Ling, can you sense anything?
No more than you can, I'm afraid, she admitted. Something here muzzles my Spirit Awareness. We've definitely passed through a portal from that underwater tunnel, but I have no idea where we landed. If you want details, you'll have to ask that pretty girl who rescued you. A trace of amusement flavored her last words.
Xuefeng's brows lifted. A pretty girl? What exactly happened?
You were brought here by a well and this girl took care of you as they transported you into the palace, Ling explained further. She checks your condition every hour, so you will see her soon enough. I'm sure she will answer all your questions.
As if on cue, he heard a light tread on the stairs beyond the closed door. Panicking, he darted inside the room, half-diving beneath the quilt, feigning sleep. The door eased open almost soundlessly, and gentle footsteps padded across the floor.
For a moment, whoever entered stood quietly beside the bed. Then, a soft sigh escaped her lips—evidently a woman's. The mattress dipped as she sat down, and he felt a delicate hand brush across his cheek with the lightness of a passing breeze.
"When will you wake up, my prince?" Her voice rippled with warmth, each syllable like a soothing melody. "I can't wait to hear you speak…"
A wave of calm coursed through Xuefeng, dissolving his earlier plan to surprise her. Something about her presence banished his tension, assuring him she meant no harm.
Just as he prepared to open his eyes, her touch shifted toward his ear—light as a moth's wing. She ran her fingertips over it while whispering, "My… what perfect ears you have." Then she moved to the silky strands of his hair, twirling them with casual fascination. "And this hair… so soft."
The presence of her hands, the gentle tug on his locks, lulled him into a strange, half-dreaming state. She trailed one finger along his jaw, then paused at his lips, letting it linger there.
"How tender and plump," she said gently. "I wonder… how nice it would be to taste them."
Her voice trembled slightly—an odd mixture of curiosity and shyness. "No… I shouldn't," she whispered, as if talking to herself. But the hand at his lips remained, her fingertip lightly tapping against his mouth.
Yet even as she told herself not to, Xuefeng felt the warmth of her breath inching closer. "He's probably asleep," she reasoned softly, as if to justify her actions. "He won't feel a thing."
An electric thrill darted through him; each second felt impossibly long as her breath caressed his face, closer and closer. At the last moment—unable to keep up the charade—he opened his eyes, heart pounding.
Her melodic laugh burst through the tension like sunlight through storm clouds. She sat back, mischief dancing in her eyes. "I knew you were pretending to sleep," she revealed with a lovely smile.
"How did you—" Xuefeng froze mid-sentence, stunned by the woman before him. She might have stepped out of a dreamy painting: long, straight hair of shimmering gold, woven into two slim braids that framed a youthful, heart-shaped face. Her eyes, a crystal shade of sky-blue, sparkled with curiosity. Two small, leaf-like ears peeked from beneath the silky tresses, giving her an exotic, almost fey allure. A pair of symmetrical heart-shaped markings rested just below her eyes, accentuating her small, upturned nose.
Her lips were a soft red, reminiscent of ripe berries, turned up in a genial smile that revealed flawless white teeth. A pair of fresh roses perched among her hair, sending a gentle fragrance that mingled with the herbal scents in the room. She wore a dress made of delicate cloth strips that looped around her neck, hugging her slender waist and holding her ample chest in place. A crystal—glowing faintly with golden embers—pinned the fabric at her collar, swaying slightly with her every breath.
She tapped his nose playfully. "You see, I noticed someone took the clothes from the balcony clothesline. You're the only one here, so I guessed you woke up," she explained with a gentle grin.
"R-right…" he managed, sitting upright to face her properly. "Could you tell me where I am?"
She sprang to her feet, motioning for him to follow as she tugged on his hand. "This is Eligma, our race's holy land," she said brightly. "My mother wants to meet you, and I'm sure you have a million questions. We'll have plenty of time to talk."
Her soft fingers clasped his, leading him toward the door. Xuefeng found himself marveling at her grace, his mind spinning with questions. "And… how should I call you?"
"Xiao Yiren," she replied, throwing him a mischievous wink over her shoulder. "I'm a Forest Elf, but I took my father's surname as well. You can call me Yiren, if you like. Let's go."
With that, she guided him out of the room, her high-spirited energy infectious. Even as confusion roiled inside him, Xuefeng followed, noticing how each subtle step caused her braids to sway. So there are elves in this world too, he thought, not recalling anything about them from the books he read. Ling, do you know anything about them?
Nothing of use, Ling admitted in resignation. You will have to discover it for yourself.