Sneak Attack (**)

"Good morning, sleepy~!" Tianshi called out seeing that Xuefeng opened his eyes. She started to call him that as he used to sleep like a baby with her in his embrace. In the last few days, however, their roles were reversed and it was she who acted as a body pillow.

"Hey…" Xuefeng wiped his eyes with one hand to see clearer and looked at Tianshi's pretty face. He hugged her tighter, feeling the soft skin on his cheeks and leaned for a kiss on the lips. Tianshi was happy to accommodate him and accepted it.

They kissed for a while with slow and sensual moves of their lips, enjoying each touch. They flipped to the side with Tianshi landing at the bottom and started adding tongue to their lazy battle. Feeling that Xuefeng's staff was strong as ever on the mornings, Tianshi reached out with her free hand and started stroking it up and down, signalizing to Xuefeng what she actually wanted from him.