Sword Sparring

"Who are you?!" Tianshi cried out coldly, recalling all of the training she had with Xuefeng as she held the handle of her sword tightly. She knew that at this moment, she could only count on herself and Yi.

The man walked forward to stand under the light of the small lamp and said while smiling gently, "Don't worry. We are not here to hurt you girls. As long as you go with us on your own free will and don't cause any problems, nothing will happen to you." He was quite handsome for a middle-aged man, but one could see some signs of ageing.

His hair was originally short and black, but recently some grey spots started appearing on the edges. It made him look older, but at the same time added some mature presence to his face as well. Under his leather coat, one could see abundant muscles as well, which added to his appeal.