
While the ladies waited for Xuefeng in the waiting room, Xiao Wen was the most impatient one of them all. It had already been ten minutes since Xuefeng entered the room with another lady and even after she told herself that its nothing, she still couldn't stop thinking about it.

Xiao Wen wasn't even with him yet but she already couldn't stop being jealous each time he interacted with another woman. She was fine with Yiren or Wuying but if it was someone she didn't know, she couldn't stand it.

"Why is it taking him so long…" Xiao Wen asked the ladies, irritated that they didn't worry at all.

"It naturally takes time to negotiate business deals. He should be done soon." Wuying replied, taking another snack from the table that was prepared for them by the servant no long ago.