I Will Stay With You

Just as Xuefeng broke the surface of the water with Xiao Wen in his arms, he released his Spirit Awareness, filling the whole bathroom before passing the walls and entering the throne room. He was ready to scan the whole palace in the hope to find her but to think he didn't have to, his search ending before it even started. 

"I found her!" Xuefeng cried out right away the moment he found Tianshi's body laying on the sofa but then his happiness faltered when he realised she was laying without any movements. He could feel Auntie sitting next to her but that still didn't help him suppress his worries. 

"Tianshi!" Xiao Wen shouted the moment her own Spirit Awareness spotted her dear sister and she didn't wait for a second, getting out of Xuefeng's embrace before climbing the well's edge. Even without drying themselves, both of them ran towards the doors, almost crashing on each other.