Where Are You My Captain?

When they finally landed on the pier, near the familiar cold lake outside of the Capital, Xiao Wen couldn't keep those words in her anymore and covered her face as she crouched, cursing herself, "Arrgh… I'm so stupid... That was so embarrassing! Why did I mention it… Now my mom will tease me for a long time…"

As Yi already advanced to Spirit Saint stage, Xuefeng didn't need to carry her anymore so he was free to immediately appear behind her and embrace her as he cheered her up, "Don't worry, you will be fine. Your mother knows we do it already. This is probably why she mentioned having kids to also make sure we are careful." 

Xiao Wen naturally still didn't want kids, wanting to rather fight and battle instead. She was quick to shake her head and reject that thought, "Ahh, don't tell me about it… We will think about it when we are ready…"