
It was already noon when someone knocked into Xuefeng's master bedroom, waking him up. Naked beauties covered his body, too comfy to move and open the doors. He could feel it was his mother knocking so he felt obliged to go talk to her. She wouldn't disturb him if it wasn't anything important.

He shifted his body, trying to not wake anybody up yet Tianshi, who was right on top of his chest, lazily opened her eyes and looked at him with questioning gaze.

"Sleep my love…" Xuefeng whispered as he gave her a kiss, trying to make her fall asleep but she didn't listen.

"Did something happen…? What time is it?" She asked back quietly, seeing that everyone else was sleeping, tired from yesterday's activities. Xuefeng didn't use his Regeneration ability on purpose, wanting to tire them out else he wouldn't be able to sleep.