Jiao's POV - Part 2

How could she fight back when Xuefeng behaved like that? 

"Why…?" Jiao asked, her mind needing answers to stay sane. 

"Why what? I don't understand," Xuefeng replied confused. 

"Why did you take the blame for my actions? Why are you so nice to me? Why did you come? Why do you care about me? Why…?" She asked repeatedly, hitting her head against his chest with each question. 

It seemed Xuefeng had already an answer prepared as he didn't take a break to think. 

"Aren't you one of us? I care cause you are my friend. It's only natural for me to do so. Even though you are a bit of silly at times, I won't give up on you," Xuefeng replied honestly, patting her head as he continued to fly in the direction of their territory. 


Jiao tried to stop herself from crying but another wave of emotions hit her out of nowhere. She blamed it on alcohol and on Xuefeng. Who asked him to be so sweet to her once again.