Elemental Stone

"It doesn't matter what he did. You killed him under my watch which I cannot allow," the judge argued but Xuefeng only shrugged. 

"Is that my problem? It's you who should worry. As a judge, you couldn't stop me from killing him. How is that my fault? You said it yourself. You will be responsible if anything happens. Isn't it too shameless of you to punish me for your mistakes?" Xuefeng countered, speaking with facts. 

"You…" the judge looked like he wants to get angry but he couldn't find words to dispute Xuefeng's claims. It was because Xuefeng was right. The judge failed to stop him so the whole thing was his fault. 

"Anyway, Quickshot is already dead. No matter what we do now, he can't be brought back to life and I don't see anyone complaining about his death. If you are weak, you die. This is the world, we Fate Holders live in," Xuefeng added before the judge thought of any comeback.