Tianshi's Ability

"Ah, you are such a dummy sometimes…" Tianshi muttered with a sigh after hearing the explanation from Xiao Wen and hugged Xuefeng from behind. "She is not worth your pain. Don't think about her anymore." 

Even though she was upset with his decision, she couldn't get mad at him for too long. Xuefeng was cuddling with Yiren as Ling was checking up on her injuries so she pulled away and massaged his tense shoulders. 

"I could see that Jiao was slowly improving her behavior but in the end, she chose to resolve her problems on her own. You can't be blamed for that. We can only hope she will be fine and find someone who can protect her," Tianshi commented. 

Looking at the girls, she added, "Though, I disagree with everyone. Canceling her will not bring us any good. If by any chance she survives in the Heaven Realm, she would be a good asset to have. We should still remain friendly with her."