
Tianshi thought about Nuwa's proposal for a little while but in the end, she shook her head, creating her own counter suggestion. 

"How about we have a healthy challenge without betting anything? This way we can have a competition without risking anything."

"Ah, but wouldn't it be boring?" Nuwa sighed, being the one who enjoyed betting the most. 

Tianshi smiled and hugged into Nuwa's full chest. "Isn't it fine the way we are right now? Everyone can give their opinions and we can decide all together. You are already using your experience as the queen and help manage the group better but I think everyone should have a part in that." 

Tightening the hug, Tianshi added softly, "Having a leader would only ruin what we have now. We are all a family."

"Mhmm, I understand," Nuwa didn't push her points, agreeing in the end. "Let's have a normal competition then."