Drakos' Story - Part 2 (*)

Xuefeng opened his mouth almost soundlessly, not expecting Ling would be so bold. 

Drakos wasn't aware of their naughty act as he continued, fully immersed in his story. He walked in the sky, gesticulating with the sword instead of his small arms. 

"No, I wasn't able to escape. It is after all impossible to endlessly run from the whole Dragon Race, the most powerful race in existence, but they still needed to spend a lot of resources to finally catch me. I thought they would kill me but then my father came and forgave me, deciding to lock me up in the Heavenly Prison. He thought I will redeem myself and improve my behavior but jokes on him, that was his last time he saw me," Drakos described, slashing sideways with the Dragon Edge as if he was chopping heads. 

"Oh, did you kill him?" Ling asked with a fake excitement, pretending to be a good girl on the outside while her other hand rubbed against Xuefeng's pants, teasing him without mercy.