
As Royal Palace was in a different direction than the main plaza, Xuefeng separated from the girls half way, hurrying to stop the destruction of the country. He still stayed connected with them, communicating with Tianshi until the range was reached and the connection cut. Although the range increased after Tianshi's training, she still had a lot to improve. 

He didn't hesitate and transformed into his Titan form just as he saw the Palace in the distance, increasing his strength to lift Dragon Edge. Xuefeng rarely needed to go all out in the battle but he couldn't show any mercy this time. 

'Look at the clouds. They are gathering directly above the Palace. The doors to the Heaven Realm will open any moment,' Ming informed. 'The Ruler must have already broken through to God Stage.' 

'He won't be able to escape anyway,' Xuefeng assured confidently as he sped up, gazing at the newly placed barrier in the distance.