Day 61st, the month of the earth, aka spring.
[I felt that Xiao Lin and Linlin were purposely avoiding me. I didn't realize when these things happened the first time. I didn't remember anything that would make them angry at me? Then, why?] Mingyue was in a big dilemma as she was having a hard time to meet Xiao Lin and Linlin.
[I didn't expect this to happen. Sigh, there's no use to think about it too much. The next time I saw them, I should immediately run into them and not let them go away.]
[This afternoon, I accidentally saw Xiao Lin and Linlin. They were together with a big group of older people. Must be a senior. What a big surprise! I immediately went closer to Linlin and Xiao Lin.]
[. . .] When Mingyue came closer to Xiao Lin and Linlin, she felt like being struck by a lightning. She didn't believe what she heard. She just doesn't want to believe.
"Tsk, that Xia girl. I was really tired of her. Three years you know? It was enough to make you stressed out everyday." Linlin's voice could be heard.
[Eh? What? I was very surprised by the content of the conversation. .]
"Yeah, that's right. She was such a spoiled and lazy girl. We had to take care of her because we were roommates." Xiao Lin's voice too.
[Hey, it was not right, right? No, it was impossible! It was very impossible for them to have that kind of thinking. We were so close before.]
[There must be some misunderstanding! I tried to understand them, but I couldn't.] Mingyue felt like being thrown into a cold lake. She froze up in the place and couldn't move at all.
"And that girl was trying to make us avoiding you guys, you know?"
[This was Linlin's voice. I even could hear the sneering tone she used. Why?]
"What? Seriously? That was so funny!"
"Hahahaha, many people wished to be close with us. And this girl wanted you girls to avoid us. What? Is that jealousy?"
"It is definitely the reason. Right, Linlin?"
"That's right. She was such a slutty girl." What? Linlin, what are you talking about?
"She always tried to attract the opposite sex's attention. Right Tianfeng?" Xiao Lin tried to drag Tianfeng into the conversation.
[Always? Who? Me?]
[Tianfeng? That bratty brat that always following me in Fundamental Education? I am not even close to him. . .]
"Yeah, she was a disgusting girl. Who knows what kind of girl she was. It surprised us that she could hide that well in front of many people. If I didn't become her roommates, maybe I would be tricked by her as well"
[I don't want to hear more, so I ran away to the different direction. I felt stuffy in my chest. What is this?]
"Are you okay?" Xiao Jing's voice resounded in Mingyue's mind.
[I didn't want to make them worried.] Mingyue smiled bitterly.
"Un, it's okay. Don't worry. If there is something, I would inform you." Mingyue lied to Xiao Jing. They are connected, so Xiao Jing clearly could feel the huge change in Mingyue's mental state. But Xiao Jing didn't ask Mingyue anymore as she gave Mingyue some private space.
[I felt dizzy from this strained friendship. No, it was not a strained friendship anymore. It was something more undesirable for me.]
[I didn't understand why did they have that kind of thinking?] Mingyue couldn't help but unable to concentrate in the class today. Her breaths were short. I was light-headed all days. She felt like her chest was stuffed with something. Her attention was not in the class, but Linlin and Xiao Lin. Their earlier conversation. Their sneers at Mingyue.
[I tried to remember whether I have done something wrong.]
[I tried to remember whether I have hurt any of them.]
[There was nothing that came to my mind.]
[Even after I returned to the dormitory, I still couldn't understand what had happened. Like the other night, I stared at the starry sky, remembering our good days together. The four of us. ]
[Hey, what would happen to us?]
[Did this is the end of us?]
[Did our friendship is over?]
[No! I don't want to!]
After slapping her cheeks, Mingyue immediately went to Fangfang's room.
Mingyue ran on the corridor. The day was already dark. But it was the only free time for Fangfang. Mingyue couldn't wait for the next day. She just wanted to mend our friendship! The dark corridor made Mingyue became hesitant with each of her steps, but this was the thing that she had to do.
Mingyue only knew Fangfang's room because she was the one mentioned it to Mingyue. Number 247. At the second floor, around the west area. After roaming around the corridor, Mingyue found Fangfang's room.
[I was hesitant, but I couldn't wait anymore.] Mingyue knocked on the door, wishing that Fangfang was inside. The door was opened, and Fangfang was the one who opened the door. Mingyue was pleasantly surprised [Lucky!]
Fangfang was clearly surprised.
[Usually I was an early sleeper, so I shouldn't be awake at this time. But this was an important thing. I couldn't help but rushing here, to meet you, to ask you, to understand what happened. Xiao Lin has become strange. Linlin too has become strange. You are the only one that I could ask. You are my only hope!] Mingyue unconsciously imagined Fangfang as her saviour.
"Er, what do you want?" Fangfang asked Mingyue.
[I don't know why, but I felt like something rammed at my chest.]
[Her tone was kind of cold and distant, not the usual Fangfang. Not the old Fangfang.]
[No, I must not be hesitant!]
[This must be an illusion! ]
[She must be tired and I was disturbing her rest!] Mingyue tried to encourage herself.
"Ah, uhm, it is like this, Fangfang. Can I go inside? I was kind of feeling uncomfortable to talk in the corridor." Mingyue was kind of hesitate because everything she knew had changed. Mingyue could feel her own nervousness. Her stomach felt like bulged with something unknown, pushing her stomach. Her breath became more short and shorter. Her head was a little spinning as Mingyue felt dizzy.
[Fangfang didn't answer.]
[I could see the hesitation in her eyes.]
[I felt my body went cold.]
[Fangfang was never like this. She was a caring girl. She would offer her massage every time I finished the physical class. She usually was eager with her roommates, with me. At that time, I meant. I didn't expect that she also changed. She grew farther and farther, the same as Xiao Lin and Linlin.]
[Hey, what happened?]
[Why did everything change so suddenly?]
[What's with all of these changes?]
[Where is the caring Fangfang?]
[Where is the chatty Xiao Lin?]
[Where is the laughing Linlin?]
[Where are my friends? ]
[Everything became so distant. I felt like standing in a remote place, with only strangers around me.]
Mingyue could feel her tears on the tip of her eyes, but she tried to hold it. She didn't want to show her weakness, she didn't want to show her feebleness.
Fangfang also didn't realize it, thanks to the dark corridor.
"Ah, it's okay. I will say it here." Mingyue said with a weak voice. Her heart already filled with a despair.
[I didn't wish for Fangfang to force herself. If she didn't want to, I wouldn't ask.]
"Ah, then say it" Fangfang said with an indifferent tone
[After hearing my words, I could see a glint of relief that flashed in her eyes. Her body was clearly not as tense as when I asked to go in earlier. Why?]
[I didn't know why but I could see every detail of her changed expression. It should have to make me happy. I should be happy, but I couldn't. I lowered my eyes, avoiding her gaze. I don't want to see her expression.]
[I just want the answer.]
[Her answer.]
". . . What happened. . ." Mingyue's voice was shaking. Mingyue gritted her teeth and she didn't realize her pale face. Of course, Fangfang wouldn't realize it as well. Mingyue squeezed her hand and she didn't feel anything except the emptiness she felt in her heart.
"Hm?" Clearly, Fangfang didn't understand Mingyue's question, so Mingyue just repeated her question.
". . . What happened. . . to you all?" Mingyue squeezed both her hands until she couldn't feel anything in her hands. She couldn't loosen up as she was waiting for Fangfang's answer.
[Is it because of my fault? If it is, then why no one talked to me?]
[If it is no one faults, then why no one talked to me?]
Xiao Jing and Xiao Wu realized all of Mingyue's unstable emotion. Both of them are calling for her, but Mingyue didn't answer them as she was waiting for the answer.
[Not now.] Mingyue just said this word to calm Xiao Jing and Xiao Wu.
[Why do Xiao Jing and Xiao Wu care about me? Because we are always together? Maybe because we were connected? Connected?]
"Of course we all grow up. So it was normal for us to be distant." Fangfang answered indifferently as if it was the obvious answer.
Mingyue felt the coldness in Fangfang's words. It was not a kind that was having a misunderstanding or had a fight, but rather a disdain. Sneers. Sarcasm. Mingyue could feel that Fangfang was looking down on her even though Mingyue didn't know what the problem is.
[Since she didn't care about my feeling, better I asked for more. I decided to close my feeling and hide my heart.] Since Fangfang was being indifferent to Mingyue, Mingyue decided to hide her fragile heart.
". . Then why did all of you hate me?" Mingyue tried to ask a direct question. The unanswered question, no matter how hard she was thinking.
A silence was created after Mingyue question was asked. Fangfang was clearly surprised. But in the end, there was nothing that could be changed anymore. The dice had been rolled. Whether the number was big or small, nothing could be changed again.
". . . You know the answer, why the bother to ask me about it?" After giving some random answer, Fangfang just closed her room's door without any word.
Mingyue was covered in the dark. Just like her heart.
[No! I don't know!]
[That's why I came here!]
[I wanted to ask!]
[Why are you acting like I was an unfamiliar person!]
[What! What happened to you girls!]
Her body went cold. Mingyue could feel tears flow on her cheeks. Xiao Jing and Xiao Wu had been calling her repeatedly, but Mingyue didn't answer them. She just returned to her room with an empty heart.
[I just want to be away. Far from this place. Far from this hell. Far from these memories. I just wanted to forget everything.]
When Mingyue arrived at her room, she immediately calmed both of them. After that, she told both of them, "We will leave this place. Now. As far as possible"
[I just need time to reorganize my heart. . .]
[I need more time to clear my head. . .]
[I need more time to forget about this place. . .]
[But, this pain, these memories, this wound, all will be etched on my hearts. . .]
[Forever. . .]