Ambush! Red Skeleton Gang's Retaliation!

One day had passed since they left the razed-down village.

After giving some burial for the dead villager, the party didn't stay for too long before continued with the journey.

There was only a bunch of Sand Scorpion. It was not a Fierce Beast, but the danger was almost the same as tier-one Fierce Beast thanks to the paralyzing venom. Since it was inedible, the party didn't pay any attention toward the bunch Sand Scorpion.

Leaving the barren land, the party almost reached the rocky area full of the cliff.

Mingyue caught a scent of danger from the surroundings. There were indeed some places to hide. She only smirked as she waited for another show.

But unfortunately, Hao Bo and her group didn't realize something wrong with their surroundings as they kept moving forward.

"Sht." An arrow suddenly landed in front of Hao Bo and surprised the horse. With her riding skill, Hao Bo was capable to calm the horse in no time.

Realizing that they were already surrounded, Hao Bo shouted, "WHO THE FUCK IS THIS! COME OUT IF YOU HAVE THE GUTS!!!"

Everyone dismounted from the horses and Mo Hua went out of the wagon. They were all armed and prepared as they were circling the wagon.

"Hehehe, your temper is not good as always." A bald man came out, followed by a few people behind him. There were also more people in the surrounding as they came out one by one.

[. . . Ten. . . Twenty. . . Thirty-six? I didn't expect this number. Fu fu fu. . .] Mingyue chuckled in her mind while she didn't think that the enemy would look down on Liao Yun and Fu Tao's capability.

Especially, after Liao Yun punched the lewd man from Red Skeleton gang. And it was clear that the people on the surroundings were only a little better than the lewd man.

And to their surprise, there was a member of Red Skeleton gang that tried to extort Fu Tao at the little plaza in the Grey Brick City. Fu Tao had an ugly expression because he didn't think these guys would make another trouble for him.

"The last time, you run away with tail between your legs! Good! At least I can beat the crap out of you a few times, right?" Unlike the other, Liao Yun was the only one spirited. Ever since she let the Red Skeleton gang away, she didn't feel good because there was no outlet to unleash her pent-up anger.

And now, the Red Skeleton gang now served themselves in front of Liao Yun.

It was akin to a free feast.

Even though there was strength in number, this number clearly wasn't enough to defeat both Liao Yun and Fu Tao. If these thirty-six people were all fighting Liao Yun, there was a possibility that she would be wounded. But that's all.

"You!" Hao Bo was tongue-tied as she saw a few of her acquaintance from the Grey Brick City.

"Yo, gorilla woman. We meet again." The man had no distinct feature if compared with the people behind him, but Mingyue remembered this person.

He was one of the two rejected mercenary representatives from Mercenary Guild.

"ZHONG JIE! WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING! DON'T YOU KNOW THAT THIS WILL VIOLATE THE GUILD'S RULES!!!" Hao Bo didn't expect that the fellow 1-star mercenary that she had known for many years would do something like this.

One of the iron-clad rules of Mercenary Guild forbade its fellow mercenaries to disturb another's mission. Of course with the exception that their client was on the opposite side, a clash between mercenary would be unavoidable and the involved mercenaries would be spared from the punishment from the Mercenary Guild.

But the current situation was not clearly the exception in the Guild's rules.

The people in front of Hao Bo were acting like a robber, a bandit. They brandished their weapon and they were prepared for a fight.

"Sigh. Sorry, mate. But this is my mission too." Zhong Jie shrugged his shoulder as if it was not his problem.

"Wha- what! Impossible!" Hao Bo didn't believe what the man just said.

Thirty-six people came out from their hiding place and immediately cut off any escape route.

Hao Bo and her groups grew nervous and paled as they saw some of their acquaintance among them. It was especially true for Mo Hua, thanks to his timidity. Mo Hua didn't have many acquaintances, that was especially true in the Mercenary Guild. But he at least knew few fellow mercenaries.

Hao Bo knew that she and her group wouldn't be spared as this fight would be a massacre for her side.

Hao Bo gritted her teeth as she swung down her big axe. The big axe was a little bigger than her body, making it looked mighty. Following Hao Bo's cue, Mo Hua and Liang Chun prepared their own weapon while Qin Yi stayed in the wagon with her crossbow.

"Guys, sorry. Looks like this is the end of our journey." Hao Bo sounded apologetic as she muttered this sentence. Her group member didn't say anything, but she knew that they didn't blame her.

[I don't know whether I can come out safely, but I will definitely make them pay the price.]

[Four group of mercenaries. Red Skeleton gang, Beast Hunter Mercenary, Bloodied Axe Mercenary, and Black Sand Mercenary.]

Hao Bo's eyes were filled with decisiveness as she couldn't possibly throw away her pride as a mercenary. She would definitely stand tall at the incoming enemy and she wouldn't stop even after her body fell.

Zhong Jie was still in leisure as he looked at Hao Bo's determination. "Just give up, gorilla woman. Even though you are a Grade 7 Battle Fighter, your group's speciality was defence. No matter how well you do, you will only waste our time." Zhong Jie moved his gaze toward Mingyue. "Especially, you have to protect even a snotty brat. Eh? There are two? Do you think it is worthy of your sacrifice? Even if that woman is strong, we can easily delay her while we are finishing all of you." Zhong Jie tried many times to demoralize Hao Bo, but unfortunately, he failed.

Not only Hao Bo was dispirited, but she was hell-bent on opposing Zhong Jie.

'It is better to be broken rather than being bent.' Was the sentence that Hao Bo always used to her group, and that was the reason why the Turtle Shell Mercenary was called turtle's shell.

They were strong from the outside, and the group was solid from inside. No matter who tried to poach the member of the Turtle Shell Mercenary would end up with an empty hand.

Each of the members of Turtle Shell Mercenary took their own roles and stayed in their formation. They were planning to wear their enemy's stamina off as much as possible while searching for an opening to run away. But there was something that they didn't count.

One of their clients was diving into her death.

"COME AND MEET YOUR DEATH!" Liao Yun was not patient enough to hear another blabbering, so she rushed forward alone. Her main target was the bald head from the Red Skeleton gang.

Liao Yun activated her Battle Technique. Unlike that time in the Grey Brick Town, now Liao Yun fully used her Battle Technique. If the former was only using the summoned bear, now Liao Yun was also used her summoned cheetah. An image of a bear and a cheetah appeared for a split of a second, but no one realized except for Mingyue and Fu Tao.

The Red Skeleton gang's leader only realized that Liao Yun was aiming at him after she was right in front of him. He wanted to move, but his body didn't have a chance to move at all.

"BAAAMMMM. . . ." A clean hit at the stomach, similar to what happened at the lewd man from the Red Skeleton gang. The bald head ended up with a clean hit from Liao Yun. He was thrown far to the back at least ten metres.

But different from that time, Liao Yun immediately chased the bald man for another punch.

The fallen bald head didn't even have any time to react, and another punch landed on his stomach for the second time. Third time. Fourth time. . .

"BAM BAM BAMM. . . ."

The people from the Red Skeleton gang were all paled.