The Evil Is Real In Dragon Mountain Peak!

There was a famous little boy flying towards Dragon Mountain Peak in Monarch Knight's World 187.

There were lords in castles looking out in telescopes by the mountain wondering if they should seek his little head. He had killed the six-great infernal chubby men! And one of the sons the men had, one of the ones that was saved from their father's undiscerning stomach, had put out a huge reward!

Two men were chatting about it.

"Hmph, we will kill him and become as rich as the king he killed!"

"Yes, but wait did you hear? He didn't only kill that king he wooed his daughter!"

"Yes, he did. The little boy is definitely indeed worth killing. He got the princess and stole the king's head. Now, I want the reward even more badly!"

His friend quickly flew over to the head hunter's board. It sucked when he noticed a mark on the page with the boy's head. "Wait, it is too late for us to kill him? Look, over there!"

It was the talk of the town that the boy would die. It was simple, his wanted poster had been claimed by the famous assassin Horn Quick Lord. The assassin tore out the paper and left a star on the top of it. It meant the boy was his an no one else's. In fact, if you try and take another poster you'd die, and a few of the poor men with bad vision tried to get one such poster. They were piled up in front of the wanted board. Indeed, the boy was not worth the risk.

"Well, we can at least watch him die. I heard the assassin is planning to do it once he lands in town."

"Wait, but how strong is Horn Quick Lord. I know he is fast, but."


One man from one of the other wanted posters crashed into the ground. Sands shot up as blood gurgled out of his greenish mouth. Yes, he was dead, and Horn Quick Lord appeared with an unsatisfied look on his face.

"Hey guys. Do you think he saw me?"

Horn Quick Lord couldn't believe it. He had sworn the man saw him. However, he killed him right after, so he couldn't ask him. Sometimes being powerful was a difficult job. There were no ratings except second hand testimony. He looked at the two gossipers who were talking about him.

He had this proud look. Like if you don't tell me what I want to hear you'll die miserably, so please don't hold back the compliments.

"No, he definitely didn't see you! No one is powerful enough to measure up to your greatness!"

"HAHAHAHA, you are indeed right! Buy me food now, I'm broke."

The two men who were chatting looked at each other weird. "But you must be worth millions of spirit stones? Why would you need us to.."

Horn Quick Lord sighed. "You know, I didn't want to kill you, but I had a feeling you've heard about my bad habits. So, sorry."


Yes, he had some bad habits. He spent all his money on a little cute thing, and no one could know! Indeed, these men looked like they knew something. However, he regretted killing them. Sometimes, being evil made it hard to make friends. Though he forgot about it quickly, as there was a pretty waiter at the local black-white pavilion. He sighed as he looked at the boy's picture.


"Hey, Mister, how did you get that picture of me?"

Lie Wei Ying sat down next to a nice-looking man. He had what seemed like tomato juice all over him. And he was frowning as he stared down at the picture.

Horn Quick Lord laughed. "HAHAHAHA, you're so funny, but you can't be this boy! Look at how fierce his expression is!"

Lie Wei Ying sighed, "But it really is me. Look at me I have his beautiful locks."

The entire room they were in was quiet. When horn was talking to someone, which was rare, you didn't talk. However, a waitress came over and dropped two different drinks. One of them was for a three-year-old child, and the other was for the much older holding the kid's picture. She was going to take off right after this. In fact, once she dropped the glass she immediately flew out the door. Perhaps she would be saved from death if she left now. Luckily, she could always go work at Crane Mountain Pass. She was thankful she had two jobs.

"Sir, I will prove to you that is me," Lie Wei Ying said proudly, "Look, I have that crown in the picture."

Mightly Quick Lord didn't believe him. "Hmph, you're nothing but a poser. If you want to die, go outside and take one of this boy's pictures. But since you are new to town, and cute I will not kill you. However, this is a wanted poster! You shouldn't touch it at such a young age!"

Lie Wei Ying gulped. "Oh, so you mean someone is looking to kill this beautiful young lad. Why would they dare do such a thing!? Isn't he known for being overpowered?"

It was at this time everyone in the room sitting at the tables slowly went to the bathroom. Indeed, there was a huge window in there. However, they felt quite lucky. Horn Quick Lord was as dumb as he was fast and evil. Yes, this was an excellent time to get out and go to Crane Mountain pass. Now, all they had to do was wait in line. There was only one window.

Horn Quick Lord took his glasses out of his pocket. He was getting so tired from talking that he put on his glasses. Perhaps the boy really was the one in the poster. However, he couldn't sense his presence. That could mean two things. Either you were weak, or incredibly strong!

At the same time, the system sighed as he watched the seconds countdown. "Lie Wei Ying we still have 2 and a half more hours! Why must the heavens delay? And, also, you need to buy a new weapon kid. Have you figured out what you want yet?"

Lie Wei Ying didn't know. It was difficult to decide. He felt like he'd be betraying the great infernal image if he got a new weapon. Maybe he should just use his fists. However, he really liked that sword called [Male Praying Mantis Strikes Back]. It seemed like it could be brothers with the inferno. However, it was a rank lower than the inferno, at the quasi-god stage, and it cost 1980 OP stones. He only had like 2100 of them. Well, perhaps, he figured, he should bite the bullet.

After contemplating it hard, and talking to the nice man, Lie Wei Ying also had to go to the bathroom. He got up and started walking away from the assassin. However, he gulped when the assassin screamed at him, "You, little one, you seem like you could be my friend! Come back and finish your drink."

Lie Wei sighed, and turned around. "Uhm, please purchase the [Male Praying Mantis strikes back].

The system laughed in joy. "Yes, it was so much better than the spear!"

Indeed, most of his former boss men got spears and they all died. It was a wise choice.

Lie Wei Ying smiled as a sword appeared in his moonlight storing ring a second later. He had gotten quite a nice one off the king. At this point, he was so rich, he was becoming a spend thrift. He even bought the most expensive drink in the store! His mom would kill him if she knew he did that!

"So, can I ask what you want Mr…?"

"Oh, my name is Horn Quick Lord. You must have heard of me."

Lie Wei Ying nodded, he had indeed heard people whispering about him. However, they were mostly bad things. Like warnings to children about their proximity to him. Apparently, he really liked children, and would give them weapons. Who the heck would be okay with that?!

"Well, little boy. What's your name."

"Lie Wei Ying, the one in the picture right there."

Horn Quick Lord looked at the font on the page. "You seem to have the same name as this boy, and you look almost the same. Do you think such a thing is a coincidence boy?"

Lie Wei Ying sighed as two blades appeared in his hand. It was the [Male Praying Mantis strikes back] blades. They were kind of green and had earth gods inscriptions on them.

These inscriptions were unfinished, however; apparently the universe had given it to him before the smith had finished them.


In a far away world one nice looking black smith scratched his head. His life long work had been snatched by the space around him! The mood of the entire room changed however. He just got enough recompense that he could make 100 new swords of the same might! Yes, the masters of the systems were incredibly fair! It was at this time the man retired, and the mantis waiting for it died in battle. Indeed, Lie Wei Ying had gotten a good set of weapons.


"So, you've taken out your blades, boy. You have revealed yourself to the great Horn Quick Lord. However, I don't take jobs with people who look so cute. You must get them to draft another picture of you. This is a horribly hideous picture!"

Lie Wei Ying scratched his head. "Well could you show me around town? I have nothing else to do for two hours and twenty nine minutes."

The assassin looked at the boy with a weird expression on his face. "Does this mean we're friends?"

Lie Wei Ying wasn't sure. However, he still said yes.

Soon, this boy would know the dark side of the Dragon Mountain Pass. However, first, he had to pay the bill. Apparently, the assassin had forgotten his wallet, and there was no one left in the store. I guess this meant he didn't have to pay?

Lie Wei Ying just left a stone from the king on the table. He didn't realize it at the time, but that stone would cause great wars. However, Lie Wei Ying had three of them in his bag. Unfortunately, the system was too busy to notice it. He was building his house, and preparing his plan for the tribulation!


"So, all I have to do is survive for ten minutes and I get all this money?"

Horn Quick Lord sighed as he couldn't talk the little boy out of the challenge. It was the thousand man battle challenge and the boy scoffed at it, and then he disappeared from his side. This boy had a bigger horn then he had, and that was saying something. He had a very large horn.

"Please prepare the clean up crew." The manager looked at the crazy boy and sighed.

Indeed, soon there would be lots of body bags. Poor Lie Wei Ying had nothing better to do.