Entering the Dungeon.

Lui Mie and Lie Wei Ying hugged as the other girls smiled.

Truthfully, since they only knew him for one day, they weren't that jealous yet. However, in a few months, they'd probably not allow such a thing to happen with a new girl again.

Regardless, Lie Wei Ying now had his five harem members!

He accepted Lui Mei into his group and into his arms. In fact, he accepted her request to join at the same time as the hug!

"Congratulations, you've acquired the new Harem Member Lui Mie, Level 53 Water Elementalist."

Classes such as elementalist were usually decided right when you arrived into the game.

One of the reasons Lie Wei Ying was a demon warrior was because of his past outside of the game. It had to get your name from somewhere after all! So, it usually would come up with a class at the same time.

Luckily, Lui Mie before the game had mastered the Dao of Healing and Blessings. It was the perfect base for the Water Elementalist subclass.

Lui Mei smiled and hugged Lie Wei Ying's back.

"Well, it's good to meet you too harem leader." Lui Mie had no idea why he said she was his big sister. However, since he was in that little form perhaps it was for a reason. Maybe he was one of those guys who liked to be small all the time and would only get larger right when he needed to. However, she didn't ask any questions and immediately ran over towards the other four girls.

"The shop is closed girls!" Mei Li screamed towards the long lines of girls who were getting gussied up for the prince at the end of the line.


"Ugh, what kind of man only takes five girls! He could have had all of us, and we would have done anything he wanted!"

"Hmph, well, perhaps he's just tired guys. Do you realize how hard it is to interview women for your harem? Come on give him a break!"

This girl in the pink dress screamed that very loudly to see if she could attract the little king's attention. However, Lie Wei Ying was currently preparing to leave already.

"So, do you guys want to tell me about the five-women dungeon. It's still in this castle, right?"

Mei Li nodded her head as she retrieved the stall. It folded itself up into a series of boxes before it disappeared into her ring.

Here it was called a storage ring rather than a moonlight storing ring. Truthfully, it was much simpler, and Lie Wei Ying approved of the naming conventions here.

Regardless, now that the base was all cleared up that had to make their way over towards the dungeon.

[Fortnight of the Dark Embrace] had two entryways. One was for the 5 women team, and the other one was for the 10 women team.

However, the 5-women team was much easier, and didn't require you to deal with the extremely hard level 90 boss. Instead, it was one of her six sisters. They were all extremely pretty and hard to fight, however, considering they had their little master they weren't afraid.

Lie Wei Ying had already shocked Chun Hua with his immense power, and she made sure to relay the information to the rest of the girls.

"You mean he killed a level 72 boss, and used her as a weapon to kill its own evil children?"

Chun Hua nodded to the three newcomers. "Yup, he'll definitely do the same thing with this next boss! In fact, it'll probably be a breeze."

Lie Wei Ying looked back at them and nodded. "Yes, I'll make all those monsters eat my powerful daggers!"

He pulled out his basic daggers and wagged them in the air.

The girls were kind of confused why he'd call basic daggers the most powerful, however, maybe he was so strong it didn't really matter.

There was going to be tons of loot for them in this new place, and Lie Wei Ying looked up at the giant doors.

"Welcome to the [Fortnight of the Dark Embrace]. You've selected the 5-women dungeon by showing up here. Please choose a difficulty level, Medium, Hell, or Impossible!"

"Medium," Mei Li screamed. She didn't want Lie Wei Ying killing them because of his overconfidence.

Lie Wei Ying sighed as he looked over at Mei Li. "Hey, I'm the leader here and I say I want to do hell mode! It should be easy for us."

The gaming subsystem wife replied, "Well you're in charge, so it's up to you. However, I'll give you one second to get acquainted with your new team."

Lie Wei Ying, obviously, wanted to do hell mode, but the girls were all around him glaring at him.

It seemed simple, he'd do hell mode and get more experience.

He wasn't even asking to do the impossible one! Wasn't he already conceding enough?

"Lie Wei Ying, if you don't want to die, please choose Medium. Hell mode is for level 100-200 players, and impossible is for level 200-300. However, most of the higher-level players don't show up here because it is nearly impossible. You'd usually have to be in the second realm to even consider it! Please don't kill us when we just met you."

Lie Wei Ying looked at his five new harem members and sighed. "You guys should have told me that earlier. I don't want to lose even one of you before I get my rewards. I'm so excited to find out what they all are!"

They laughed as he turned around and stared up at the gigantic doorway.

It had this picture of a terrifyingly beautiful woman on it who seemed to be looking down at him with curiosity.

"Uhm, fine, I choose Medium level!"

Lie Wei Ying said.

The female subsystem's voice laughed. "Good, we wouldn't want to lose such a precious guest so soon! Enter when you're ready."

The doorways cracked open and Lie Wei Ying and the girls went inside.