The Pill That Would Lead to the Truth, Part 3

Lie Wei Ying looked at the girls.

He still had the honest dragon pill pumping through his veins, and he seemed almost like an insurmountable monster that they were all going to have to mount anyway!

His girls almost couldn't wait to experience the Dao with him while Pope Unbeatable's girls gulped.

However, then they looked at the little dragon monster. at this moment they felt extraordinarily saddened and confused as tears began coming down Lie Wei Ying's blackened eyes.

"I'm sorry girls. I've lied to you this whole time by not telling you the truth."

He sat down on the covers as the girls looked at him confusedly. "Uhm, what do you mean you weren't telling us the truth," Mei Li said.

"It seems I never had the courage to tell you all how beautiful you were! Also, I truthfully never had the courage to tell you my age. I was afraid you guys wouldn't be able to handle it."

The girls from Lie Wei Ying's harem were all aghast as the girls from SPY media looked at them funny. They had, obviously, just done a lot of research on this little monster here, and they already knew he was exceptionally young. However, was he really one of those harem leaders who lied to his girls? They looked at him expectantly.

"Listen, I only met you all today. So, you can't blame me for taking my time. However, just today we've already grown close. We've even shared a bed, Chun Hua."

Chun Hua nodded as the deep voice of Lie Wei Ying flooded into her ears. He had the masculine dragon vibe right now. "It's okay Lie Wei Ying," she said with a smile on her face. "We already know you're probably nearly as young as you look."

"Yes, do you really think we'd do this to an older man? Hmph, he would have to earn our love! Yet, around you we don't have to worry about falling in love immediately. The girls and I were guessing that you were fourteen is that correct," Ah Lam Bo said in her gorgeous attire. Truthfully, they were alright with him being that young as long as he was a reincarnator over the age of twenty. They were all reincarnators here after all, or had special souls, and weren't that particular about that stuff.

"Uhm, no girls. My true age would be sixty-two now. However, this body is that of a four-years old. You'll will have to wait at least ten years for me," Lie Wei Ying said. "Before that time, I'm afraid I won't be able to satisfy your desires."

It was this moment that he was waiting for. The moment they would all leave him and stop holding him at night! He would no longer get the experience of sharing in the training bed with them, and that was fine. Yet, he was glad this happened.

Truthfully, by him not telling them, he was becoming the type of man he didn't want to be. Someone who had a lot of women should be open to them and let them all know about each other. He should also let them know about himself! For instance, if he was ever truly going to experience the pleasures of life with these girls, they'd have to know about Yu Yan!

Regardless, he turned around towards the door before he felt twelve palms patting against his back.

The girls were all there with smiles on their faces. Incidentally, the girls from SPY media decided to sneak out of the room. They had some urgent news to tell Pope Unbeatable. Unfortunately, they'd also have to tell him about that incident on the bed, and the boy's age. They weren't sure which would make him more upset, but either way this wasn't going to have a good outcome.

However, at this moment, Lie Wei Ying was unafraid of anything including where the girls were going. Basically, the pill surprisingly ended up doing its job, and it turned him into more of a man. Yes, even with the honest dragon pill flowing through his veins, he was still only four. Basically, it just ended up making him more honest. So rather then tear off their clothes like he would've done if he was ten years older, he ended up becoming extremely truthful.

He turned around sadly and saw a surprising site. Six beautifully smiling faces were coming towards him. Their lips all puckered up before they gently each kissed part of his head.

"Lie Wei Ying, as long as you make us strong, we'll always be yours. Even if that means waiting twenty years, and traveling through the cosmos for you, we'll make sure we'll always remember you," Lui Mei said as the other girls all laughed and nodded.

Lie Wei Ying, at this moment, stopped dripping sweat before he pointed over at the bed.

He was still extremely afraid about losing his precious cuddling time with the girls. It was amazing, earlier today, the experience of Chun Hua's body on top of him.

"Well, would you all still do me the honor of warming my bed?"

He looked expectantly at the girls before they nodded and threw him onto the gilded legendary sheets.

"You're still a sixty-two-year-old man after all Lie Wie Ying! It's not like we're breaking any rules by rubbing up against you a little bit, right?" Mei Li said as she floated over with a smile on her face. She immediately placed her head down on his small chest and listened to his heart beat.

The both started to glow as the other girls eagerly awaited their turn on the bed. Unfortunately, they'd have to wait fourteen more years before they could train the other way in the Dao. Yet, right now, they were still never going to give him up.

In just one day, he did what some men only dreamed of doing!

He probably, literally, just set the record for the fastest time leveling up by anyone in the game! He started off at level 47 today, after all, and now he was level 99! The only people who were even close to him were the girls on his team!


Pope Unbeatable turned a cup in his hand as his media team came storming inside.

They all looked upset as he sighed waving away the girls next to him.

The girls bowed down as his media team flew in. They were simply new recruits and were lucky enough to grace his presence. Yet, for some reason, their leader didn't seem very happy suddenly.

"So, what did you find out about my competition?" Pope Unbeatable said.

He looked like a twenty-two-year-old man and was just that young. He was one of the most gifted men in all the universe and had trained to his level of 99 in just twenty-two years. However, currently he had heard about a new young man who had beat the fortnight queen. He was hoping to beat her before he leveled up and felt slighted by this news. Yet, he was a reasonable guy, and would only battle if he felt his positioned threatened.

The girls from his spy department turned to each other and nodded.

"Uhm, sir, would you rather know the good news or the bad news," The girl Lini A said as she approached his chair petting his leg.

The castle she was in right now was in the center of an open space. There was just a few girls in this room while the rest of the girls were in the main building or in the hall. He had an army at his beck and call. They would come whatever time of day he called, however, he was extraordinarily hard to please.

"Well, I guess tell me the bad new first, and then the good news."

"He is only four years old sir." Lin Ai said as she bowed.

"What," Pope unbeatable screamed, "How can such a thing be possible? Did you find out what level he was when he entered this game?"

"Sire, he was only level 47 this morning. Apparently, he's making a killing in this beginner stage."

Pope Unbeatable laughed before he appeared next to Lin Ai. "Well, that's not the only bad news is it." He said as he smelled her hair. "He didn't touch you did he?"

He could sense something was different about this girl's heart. It was almost as if her loyalty was wavering and that was not okay. He was not the type of guy who let his girls roam from bed to bed. Only the legendary Harem Sharing Brothers dared do such a thing.

"He only put us on his bed, sire, but he didn't touch us inappropriately," Lin Ai said as the girls behind her shivered.

There had been legends of this man's jealousy. He had over 4000 girls and only one had ever betrayed him. Yet, that was one of his first girls. He ended up feeding her to a lion and healing her over and over again. Eventually, the lion got tired of eating her healing flesh, and he killed her himself!

"Hmmm, well, that's not too bad peach. If he even put his fingers on you, you wouldn't have any of them!"

He laughed before he slid his hand down towards the center of her shirt. Her heart was underneath it beating, and it was screaming for survival.

"You mean you'll show me mercy lord," Lin Ai said, "Her heart beat thousands of time in an instant fluttering like a chased butterfly."

"Hmm, Well, I'm not a horrible man my beautiful media spy. However, you're going to have to tell him something for me."

Lin Ai nodded her head expectantly and then bent down on her knees. She looked up at his beautiful face with a look of hope and enrapturement.

"Anything you want sir, I will do it right now."

The Pope laughed looking towards the hotel on the hill. He could almost see how much fun the boy was having from here.

"Go die for me will you?"

The next moment, her head floated up into the air as the girls behind her tried to run. However, in an instant they all died leaving four heads on the floor.