The Price.

"As for the price… it's one of your eyes. Only one, if I would take two, Ethan wouldn't be happy about it."

"My… eye?"

"Yes, don't worry in a week or two it will regrow, in the end, you have the Everlasting Soma, just remember to fill in the reserves. And don't worry, it's not going to hurt, and I will give you a nice eyepatch."

Es? Is it true? Because if it is true, I might agree to this.

"Host, what she said is true, the Everlasting Soma is capable of regrowing those eyes, but because of the complexity of them, it will take a longer time. If it were a limb or an organ, one or two days would be more than enough. "

So it is safe for me to give it and I will regrow it. That's good, but there is still a question of…

"To be honest, your eyes may be cheap to make, but because of the complexity of them, a full version is very hard to come by. There are maybe a hundred people that can make them perfectly."

"Can you stop reading my mind." Marcus was slowly getting annoyed by her answering the questions before he could ask them. It was cool and all, but can you stop.

"Ok, calm. Do we have a deal?"


Marcus felt cheated, she said it wouldn't hurt, and now he is barely able to stand. In the end, he took the deal, a small inconvenience for having something that will help him train was a good deal. And when it regrows, he can go and get something else with it.

Waiting a few minutes for the pain to subdue, Marcus then took all the groceries and other small things he had in his storage ring and started walking back. Today he lost the storage ring, but he may buy it back with his eye when it regrows back. But he also gained something that will help him get stronger, the Infinity Bracelet. It was an amazing item that will let him train his body up to an unimaginable level.

"Host, if I may say something." Suddenly Es spoke up on his own. Marcus found that weird; Es only spoke on his own only when there was something important, most of the time he stayed dormant and only reacted when Marcus was doing smoothing.

What is it Es?

"Host, you shouldn't visit that shop again." Es seemed serious, his tone of voice was the same, but there was something wrong, something different. But why? This has never happened before, and the only time that Es spoke against something like this was before the gate opened, and he told him to leave that place.

Es, tell me more. If you are speaking out on this, it must be serious. So, tell me. And if the reason is not good I will go back, there is too much benefit for me there.

"… Host, please wait a moment, I'm requesting permission to disclose more information to you from Mr. Ethan."

Mr. Ethan? It is so serious he needs permission to even talk about it? If that is not enough to show that there is something wrong with that shop, then he would have to be stupid to not see it. Maybe it was a bit overpriced in his opinion, but he did make a profit. That bracelet is something that he can use for years and not worry about getting another stronger item like this for years.

"Host, I was granted partial permission to disclose some information."

Go on then, I want to know.

"Black Whale is an interdimensional shop, I can't talk about its origins, but the owner is very powerful. Her means are very peculiar, and she makes a profit by making deals that use items that are more common in one dimension for ones that are not common across all the dimension. The bracelet you got is a very good item, but the eye you traded it for is worth much more than it. To be accurate, you could get at least ten bracelets like this with one eye. There are more than thousands of known people that can produce them. Where your eyes, less than hundred people are capable of making a perfect pair like this, and this is not in one world but across all known dimensions."

… he overpaid, he was scammed, he… is just stupid. When he heard her say that hundred people can make it he did think that it was across all of the dimensions! Damn, what about Jörmungandr? How much is he worth then? It can't be too cheap; it is an amazing item.

"Jörmungandr is made from a body of a huge serpent, its race is very rare and hard to find, so it is worth about five of those bracelets."

Wait. This is a lot, why would she do that? She made a loss, so it can't be that she is that bad.

"She did that to please Mr. Ethan, it was a compensation for partially scanning me."

I see. So Mr. Ethan is this amazing. How powerful must he be to have someone try to please them just for something like this? But you are also amazing Es. You can make these eyes with no problem, a perfect pair at that. This means that you are one of the best that could make these eyes?

"Thank you for your praise Host, but all of my capabilities are thanks to Mr. Ethan he is the one that is amazing. And answering your question, it again is not me but Mr. Ethan. He is one of the most extraordinary people across all of the dimensions."

What about Everlasting Soma? If someone has it, he can regrow as many eyes as he wants. Wouldn't that make the rarity of the eyes a lot smaller?

"About the Everlasting Soma, Mr. Ethan is currently the only one that has the ability to give someone a constitution like this artificially, to be exact any natural constitution. There are artificial constitutions that give you the regenerative ability, but none of them can regenerate body modifications like your eyes. But Mr. Ethan found a way to safely, give a constitution that is natural and usually you can only be born with it, as well as make it able to regenerate body modifications. As for natural constitutions, they can't have body modifications. If one is made, it will be rejected by their bodies and returned to the previous state."

Wait. So Everlasting Soma is a natural constitution that was given to me artificially, so is it still natural or is it now artificial?

He then spent the rest of his way home talking with Es. When he came back, at first the only question was 'why you took so long, we began to worry.' And then his eyepatch was noticed. He wasn't sure how to explain it, but in the end, he told a half-truth, he didn't specify where he learned it, but he told Mei about the situation in their world. He also told that he traded his eye and the storage ring for the information and the bracelet.

It took some time, but he was able to make that work somehow.

Waking up next day, he saw a text in front of him.

'The Personal Education System has been updated, new features added.'