Growth an end

In front of the chinese military HQ was a man around 180 cm, he have a lustrous and long black hair that reached until slightly below his shoulder, a white skin just like a jade that can make many woman to be jealous at him, a sword like eyebrow, a nose with perfect curve, a chiseled face, and his eyes that have a different color or the so called heterochromia iridium, his left eyes was the color of green while his right eyes was the color of violet, all of these make the man that seem to be in his early twenties to be handsome and have a misterious kind of charm to him, what's more from his attire he seem to be a soldier but when you look at the insignia on his shoulder you will found that the man was already a major general, a rank that can only be achieved if you did many meritorious deed to the motherland and usually this rank can only be achieved after a long years of service but now there was this man that seem to be in his early twenties and this make many people to be in doubt wheter he really achieved the rank by himself or not.

Many people especially women stared at him as he was to eyecatching, the man as if oblivious toward the stares that he received walked calmly toward the HQ.

Inside an office the man was seated with an old man in front of him, the old man have a long white beard and an amiable smile on his face, the old man looked toward the man for a moment before he sighed in dejection.

"Ruso are you really sure want to do this?, please think it some more"

"Yeah l already decided and it's not like l'm gonna quit, why the heck you raction was so extreme old man you seem to be suspicious?"

Ruso said toward the old man while squinting his eyes toward the old man, the old man feigned a calm facade as he didn't dare to meet ruso gaze, when ruso tried to press the old man some more to gain an answer the ground suddenly quaked.


The quake only lasted for a second and it was barely noticeable so nobody noticed, when the quake stopped the world become still as if time itself become frozen, as the world turned still every human on earth from young to old lose their consciousness including ruso and the old man.

When ruso gained his consciousness again he was already in a white room with nobody around him, ruso scanned his surrounding but the only thing he can see was white with nobody and anything around him except whiteness.

"Where is this place?"

Not long after he uttered his question somebody suddenly answered him.

"This place was god room or you can call it that"

"!!!!! Who!!!!"

Ruso hurriedly put up his guard as the sound come so abruptly, he then started to scan his surrounding once again but can't found anything and he became even more alert.

"What you did is futile and you should put down your guard as l don't have any intention on harming you"

"How can l be so sure about what you said?"

"Because l can kill you as easily as flicking my hand"

"Oh... really"

Ruso tried to taunt the owner of the voice as he answered with tone full of doubt and mockery.

"It no use even if you want to goad me, anyway my job was to inform you why you're here"

Hearing the sound said that it want to inform him about why he was here he let down his guard slightly and become curious.

"Tell me"

"Sure, there are two reason why you're here, first it was to inform you that the universe was now in a state of growth and that also mean all the planet inside it including your planet earth.

Secondly it was because the earth growth, the growth of earth will make a mutation happen on flora and fauna on earth and there was also a possibility that the mutation that will happen can wipe out humanity"


Hearing the information ruso was shocked and confused, because he believed that no matter how strong the mutated flora and fauna will become can it really make humanity extinct after all humanity have many weapon of mass extinction that can even sunk an entire island can the mutated flora and fauna handle that?, of course not; this it what ruso believed after all he was someone that work as a soldier so he know how terrifying a weapon of mass extinction is.

The owner of the voice as if knowing what ruso thought answered.

"Human don't understimate the mutated flora and fauna that will happen because they are much stronger than you can think off"

After saying that a projected image suddenly appeared in front of ruso, the image was that of a big beast that looked to be a mammoth but it have six legs, three pair of eyes, three trunk and four tusk, in of his tusk was something that looked to be a fly but when ruso tried to look at what he thought to be a fly he was dumbfounded as the one he thought to be a fly was actually a cruiser ship.

Before ruso can recover from his shock another appeared and replaced the image of the mammoth, it was an image of a silver shark eating what seem to be an island, a moment later a new image appeared and it was an image of an octopus with the color of black mixed with red and a blue ring on his body, the octopus seem to be wrapping something that looked to be a gray like ball, but then the image zoomed in on the ball and the ball turn out to be a moon.

When ruso saw that what the octopus wrapped was the moon he believed what the voice said, sighing ruso asked the voice for a solution.

"Is there any solution?"

"There is"

Hearing that there was a solution ruso become excited and asked excitedly.

"Really!!! Please tell me"

"Sure, the solution was a system given by god"

"System given by god?"


"Why would god give us the system?"

When ruso heard that, he become skeptical and even become suspicious.

"You don't need to be suspicious as to why the god decided to help human by giving the system"

"How can l be so sure"

"Because the growth of the universe was caused by god and the extinction of your human race can be called as an undesired effect"

"So are you saying that the god giving the system was somekind of reimbursement for us"

"No and yes"

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's a no because it was not a reimbursement from god but at the same time it's a yes because the system can help humanity survive so in a way it was a reimbursement"

Ruso become even more suspicious hearing what the voice said so he tried to ask if there was other way.

"Is there no other way?"


Hearing the answer ruso know that he can only choose to accept because it was the only way, sighing he shook his head and unwillingly accept the reality albeit he was still suspicious about the system.

"Haiz, tell me about the system"

"The system was just like those in a game which you human like to play, it can level up and also have a class but the system can't forcefully sthrengthen you as it was basically impossible"

"Then what the use of the leve-, no...wait...then what the use of the system itself"

"The use of the system was just like l said it was to help human survive"

"What l mean is in what way the system will help human survive"

"The system will help human survive by making them able to use skill eviciently and acquire skill more easily"

"Skill?, why the system have to rely on skill? do you mean our way to survive will depend on skill?"

"Yes, but the skill that l was talking about was not the common one you are thinking about, it was a skill just like in game"

After hearing the voice explanation ruso became dejected because he thought he have found another way beside the system.

Oblivious to ruso dejected self the voice kept explaining.

"The skill will later be divided into three categories, the class skill, innate skill, and acquired skill.

The class skill come from the class that you will get and the use of level was so that human can gain a new class skill.

Innate skill was a skill that you will get from this place and how many skill you will get will depend on the roulette that will appear when you leave this place.

Acquired skill was a skill that you will get at random from killing a mutated flora or fauna."

Ending it explanation about the skill the voice become quit then a roulette appeared in front of ruso, the roulette was a normal one that you can see anywhere in a casino except that it only have nine number on it side, the number was from 1 to 9, ruso looked toward the roulette dumbfoundedly when the roulettle suddenly rotated by itself and a white ball appeared suddenly on the roulette, the roulette stopped after a moment and the white ball followed a moment later.

Ruso looked toward where the white ball landed and saw that the white ball landed on number...