Chapter 4) tribulation and advancement

Life went on in tsinshui university for Rong Wen easily. He adapted well to society and soon felt himself liking the new lifestyle.

During the next month, his training speed increased and he felt that he was about to break into the primary stage for ki gathering. He kept training during the night and in order to strengthen his new female body, did strengthening exercises an hour before morning class began.

While training, Xiao Han kept having a feeling that something was about to occur soon for the past week.

During a tuesday late afternoon, Xiao Han was seating cross legged on the bed when he heard the sounds of lightning. If it were any other natural occurrence he would have had ignored. But with his increased senses, he felt the heavens rage contained within the lightning.

This shocked Xiao Han as he knew that this type of lightning was a heavenly tribulation when one enters the core stages.

Although this lightning bolt was weaker then the ones he saw in his world, there was little to no doubt that it was tribulation lightning.

He immediately operated his phantoms rush and arrived on the roof of the dorm. The lightning wad gathered heavily and several lightning bolts as thick as spears were concentrated on the mountains behind tsinshui university.

With extreme caution, Xiao Han rushed over to the mountain ranges located behind the university.

Due to him training his mortal skills to the extreme, Xiao Han was able to move at speeds so fast that many people who saw her would think that it was their eyes problem.

It took Xiao Han 15 minutes to arrive at the area of the tribulation site and found little to no traces of the cultivator.

All he found were residue energy left behind by the tribulation which got weaker by the second.

Without wasting a moments notice, Xiao Han immediately attempted to absorb the tribulation energy as it was extremely pure and beneficial to him.

With the assistance of the pure energy, his cultivation level rose to the primary stages of ki gathering in 10 minutes.

After his advancement, he began to search for clues to where this unknown cultivator went to but was to no avail as most of the tracks had already been wiped out.

Feeling crestfallen at losing his only hope at finding out clues on this worlds martial ways, he returned to his dorm room.

On that day, the lightning strikes on the mountain became the talk in the school and was so strange that even the university's professors became curious as to why such an occurrence occurred.

Soon, this event became a legend of the university and was a thing many people would talk about for the coming years. Researchers would also come in droves to find out more of this occurrence. Causing the school to become the hot topic for news coverage for a long time to come.


"Sister are you alright?"

"Not really i failed my tribulation so it currently hurts. Once the drug runs out the pain will return."

"Hold on, the clan elders may have a solution to your problem just hang on."

In a cave located 2 kilometres away from the tribulation spot, deeper in the forest laid a pair of brother and sister. Both of them came from a renown clan and were well known as the star geniuses of their clan.

The younger sister was coughing out black blood filled with electricity and seemed heavily injured while her brother was preparing a steel sword.

'Luckily we were not caught by those Ming clan bastards.' Thought the elder brother as he left his sword floating above the mud.

The brother carried his sister while standing on the flying sword, flying at high speeds back to their clan.