Chapter 14) The war winds monastery.


2 hours into their journey, Xiao Han and Sarah were proceeding at a rapid pace to their location. Although the monastery was located several kilometres inside the forest, but with their cultivation level, both of them advanced rapidly.

"According to the gps, we are about to arrive at the monastery." Wearing a solemn face, Xiao Han looked at Sarah whom was getting more excited as they got closer to their destination.

"Sarah i want to know, what's in the suitcase?" Looking at the bulky suitcase, this question had already annoyed Xiao Han for a long time.

"Secret senior Rong, I'll show you once we get to the monastery." Sarah said cheekily.

After a half hour run, both Sarah and Xiao Han had finally reached their destination of the monastery. The monastery was abandoned and had much vegetation growing on it. Time had did a number on it. However, the building still was complete and intact despite the large amounts of damage done to its exterior.

Upon entering through the abandoned gate, they were greeted with multiple large buildings and towers which had been long broken down. In the middle of this mess was a temple that through the passage of time, remained fully intact.

At their level, both of them felt the aura of the formations embedded into the main temple. Knowing fully well that the temple was their main target.


"Big bro that looks like an abandoned monastery. Its a good place to rob them. When do we start?"

"You idiot look closely. This monastery although looks abandoned, has a formation embedded into the main temple. It may belong to a great power of past ages." Replied the smaller male as he slapped his brothers head.

"We wait till they enter and follow. This may be a golden opportunity for us. Hehe" laughed the smaller male.

"Big bro is clever!"

"When we do get any treasures, big bro please share them with us!"

Both twins said as they started to smile in eagerness.


"We are here. Although the aura is weak, i feel that there is a killing formation on it." Saying Sarah as she opened her suitcase and took out a short sword.

Looking at the shortsword, Xiao Han immediately knew that it was a high grade spirit weapon.

As Xiao Han had a king flame in his previous life, both the paths of a blacksmith and alchemists was available to him. He dabbled in both and attained a tier 7 rank in both. In both alchemy and blacksmithing in the martial world, tier 1 was the weakest while tier 9 was the highest.

In addition, pills and weapons were categorised as low, high or top grade and had 4 rankings which are mortal, spirit, world and sacred.

However in their world, both weapons and pills were instead classified from tier 1 to 10. 1 being the weakest and 10 being the best.

"Senior Rong, i mostly specialise in flame arts but utilise a sword for close combat. May i ask what senior uses to fight?" Said Sarah looking at Xiao Han with an inquisitive tone.

"Why do you ask?"

" This is because we may meet up with some sections of the monastery which may require us to fight. So when we enter, we need to be on alert." Said Sarah.

'You could have told me that we were going to battle earlier so i could prepare myself. Thought Xiao Han as he decided to ignore her and proceed to the gate of the monastery.

"Please be careful senior, i read that the monastery goes exremely deep underground and has many traps for trespassers." Warned Sarah.

Looking at Sarah's worried looms, Xiao Han assured to her that he will be alert.