Chapter 21) void inheritance

Upon hearing this, Xiao Han became astounded as he knew what the dragon just mentioned was a very earth shaking matter. In all myths, the golden dragon and azure dragon's were legends and were crowned as one of the top 10 strongest mythical beasts in existence.

The azure dragon was a member of the 4 protectors. They were the azure dragon, vermilion bird, white tiger and xuanwu turtle. While the golden dragon was the emperor of the dragon race. Both of these dragons had already surpassed death realm and into the paragon realm. But this dragon in front of him said that he stood as equals as both the azure and golden dragon.

"Looking at your expression, you should have some understanding of the azure and golden dragon. Indeed i stood side by side with them at the start. However i was later transported here into this parallel world. For several million years have i lived peacefully here. It was only until when i attempted a breakthrough to a new realm. During then, the battle severely injured me and i have been recuperating in this crystal for several hundred thousand years. But i was too injured and could not heal. I am afraid that i will die soon and wish for you to inherit my powers." Showing a pained expression, saying this already saddened Gu Zhe badly.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Han realised that he was not the only one who was transported. He immediately asked. "Senior. This junior name is Xiao Han. I cultivate the flame scripture and am from the martial world. I died there fighting a death stage cultivator and happened to be reincarnated in a females body. I wish to inquire how you came?"

"Oh you too are from the martial world. This makes things much simple to explain....." after hearing what Xiao Han spoke of, Gu Zhe decided to skip pass much of his explanation of his origin and skipped to the inheritance.

After 30 minutes of continuous discussion, chatting about most of their problems and about Xiao Han's reincarnation. Xiao Han realised that he was the first case of reincarnation and the second being to be transported to another world. During Gu Zhe's entire lifetime, he had never encountered another person from the martial world, also learning that there was no way back to the martial world.

He also realised that the war winds monastery was built around the crystal Gu Zhe was residing in as the patriarch of the monastery wished to study it.

"Since we have cleared most of our understanding, we shall talk about the inheritance. I shall be gifting you 3 things. Firstly is the martial skill called void devouring wave. This skill is at the sacred tier and can be considered as the best sacred tier martial skill. It contains 5 levels which each level becomes increasingly more powerful. This is my strongest skill and is what i used to stand side by side with the azure and golden dragons."

"The second thing i shall gift is a bloodline inheritance. I shall give you my dragon blood and merge it with your bloodline. This blood will allow you to cultivate faster and have a void attribute. Although you won't transform like draconians, you will be able to suppress both cultivators and beasts alike as you carry the noble blood of dragons. This bloodline also can help assist you in raising your strength, enabling you to jump realms and fight higher level opponents.

"As for the third item, it is this cultivation space. This can help you to reach the core stage quickly. I shall store it into a spacial ring for you to carry."

"Once you are ready, i shall start the bloodline inheritance. It will be very painful and you will need to be conscious for me to complete the bloodline transfer." Said Gu Zhe looking seriously at Xiao Han.

After hearing this, Xiao Han took in a deep breath and closed his eyes for awhile before saying. "Let us begin."

After saying this, a bright blue light suddenly shrouded Xiao Han's body. The inheritance had began.