chapter 6)the chat group part 2

In the chat group...

'Fate predictor': "hey nine flame, why is the new guy not saying anything??? Its been over an hour."

'Ice heart': "5th how's your sister? I heard she failed her tribulation."

'Daoist 3 life': "yah little 5 how is her condition???"

'5th': "that is why im here fellow daoist ice and fellow 3 life. Her conditions are rather bad and the clan elders are doing all their best to save her. I am very worried since her conditions rather severe and asking if anyone here has any way to deal with the aftereffects of the tribulation?"

'Medicine master': "that is rather hard to say tribulational damage to the body is rather hard to cure....hmmm i need to think if there is any possible pill to help save her."

'Nine flame': "not sure why imaginary butterfly ain't talking but i am sure that for 19th's condition, merely medicine cannot help heal her. Medicine master, is there any kind of spirit pill which can help suppress 19th's condition?"

'Medicine master': "for tribulational damages, pills are indeed ineffective but there was a legend of a unranked tiered pill forged which could actually cure tribulational lightning. I once heard that it was called 'lightning immortal pill' and is capable of absorbing the tribulational aftereffects in her body, resulting in the body being strengthened by several notches."

'5th': "is there really such a pill?"

'Searing arrow': "there was also a myth of a kind of rare metal which used tribulation lightning to form a core for itself and that this metal was used to forge the sky lightning king's main weapon 15,000 years ago when he was a child. Resulting in the sky lightning king to rein supreme for a thousand years."

'5th': "thank you thank you fellow daoist!!! Might i ask where i can procure such things? I need it urgently and if anyone has it, name a price and ill gladly accept it!!!"

'Flame spirit': "urhm 5th, i think you forgot about the words 'legend' mentioned by both seniors."

'Medicine master': "indeed little fairy, i indeed said that it was a legend in the alchemists world. Even if i could get my hands the formula, i won't know how much rare medicine i would need to forge it as such a pill is one of a kind in this world."

This was when there was a notification


''Soft flame Phoenix' has joined the chat group.'

'Spirit monarch': "urhhhh nine flame who is this? I thought that you said only 1 person would join us why'd it become 2?"

'Searing arrow': ".....did you make a mistake?"


'Daoist 3 life': "...sigh wanna kick the other guy out?"

'Nine flame monarch': "no need, if he truly joined our group through fate, i will allow it but lets not talk about cultivation, if he truly wants in he has to ask us."

'Fate predictor': "want me to read his fate?"

'Ice heart': "yes"

'Spirit monarch': "yes"

At an unknown island the eastern hemisphere, deep inside the large forest located deep inside a mountain range, was a deep cave. Inside was the home of fellow daoist fate predictor.

After preparing the tools and a large porcelin bowl of strange water, he started to read Xiao Han's fate.

"The spring wind blows as the lotus petals start to fall, in the distance beyond you shall see a female's back whom stands there alone."

"...what the f*ck is this not supposed to be happening when finding ones true love?!?!?! Im already married and have 2 kids living happily in my pavillion why do i have another lover?!?!?" This loud shout was from fellow daoist fate predictor whom in reality is a divine fox, is very influential in the world as being able to accurately calculate ones fate.

It was once even said that in front of Fate Predictor, you can be assured a accurate prediction even if he said something as absurd as the sky itself falling from the 9 heavens.

But even so, he still could not prepare himself for what he saw in the water.