Chapter 31)truths and lies hidden behind dark hearts.

"That would be what i would like to say to the 2 of you. the speed in which you 2 defended yourselves is beyond the limits of a mortal and can only be achieved through cultivation. But seing that you 2 have no auras, i suspect that it is through tempering. Now answer my question and state your origin."

No longer hiding his facade, Xiao Han spoke to them in a stern manner. Having experienced the destruction of fhis clan in his previous world and countless amounts of spies approach him, he no longer wanted to keep up his false acting and decided to go all out in the case that the 2 people in front of him were enemies.

Shocked by their best friends response and sensing the brutal aura being released by Rong Wen, both Cai Li and Joel immedietly took up a fighting stance and prepared themselves for battle.

"We are specialists serving this nations specialised mythical takedown spec-ops, deployed to deal with any 'un-natural' beings such as rare mythical beings which can be seen only in the legends or 'special' people such as yourself whom goes on a rampage and needs stopping. We can be considered as a psuedo super soldier enhanced by basic drugs and training. However we still try our best to keep our identity a secret to both public and 'non-public' eyes. Now WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO RONG WEN?" having said finish what Joel wanted to say, he immedietly shouted to Xiao Han without restraint.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Han knew that they were telling the truth and retracted his aura.

Calming down, Xiao Han replied saying "I still can be considered Rong Wen and yet not the Rong Wen you 2 know so well. During the coma i was in i met a discant soul of a dead cultivator and he took me in as his disciple and has been teaching me ever since then in his soul state."

Feeling bad for her friends, Xiao Han decided to lie as she did not wish for her friends to be worried or grief over the loss of their friend.

It can also be considered the truth as Xiao Han did obtain the memories of the previous owner.

Staring at one another, there existed an awkward silence between them as Cai Lin and Joel tried to process what Xiao Han had said. This was a scenario they did not wish to see as they did not want Rong Wen to be involved in this life. They had first handed seen and felt what it was to fight unnatural beings and how the government treated them. In most cases, captured beings would be subjected to torture for info and many other inhuman treatments. To them this was just cold-blooded and felt disgusted at it. But what could they do? They chose this lifestyle to live on, to them Rong Wen was also one of the main reasons as to why they wish to live on.

But now that they knew that Rong Wen was a unnatural being, they only had 2 choices left. One was to take her in while the other was to hide her existence even if it meant costing their lives.

Without a doubt they chose option 2 and started to explain to Rong Wen about their policy.


After hearing what they said, Xiao Han knew why they had to keep it secret as there was no choice. They could not say it as it may jeopardise their lives.

Feeling warm inside, Xiao Han moved towards them and hugged them from behind but without noticing it, tears started to form on her eyes. This was the first time ever since inheriting Rong Wens soul, did he feel like her, did he feel like a female crying due to the trust and dangers her friends braved to be with her.

This was a unnatural feeling. As emotions took over, the 3 friends cried over the suffering they all had and by the end of it, forgot about the terrorists inside the building.