The Man In Black

I am literally spacing out right now.

Who wouldn't? I have such a boring life. I don't have this wild lifestyle just like the people on my age. It is not that i can't. I can totally lie to my parents to have money and go to parties, but i don't. I'm too lazy for it.

I'm too lazy to have this sort of lifestyle. Get up on my bed to tire myself in dancing. Dressing impressively and putting on make-ups just to get boys. Having alcoholic drinks and getting wasted just to have a hang-over the next morning. I don't get the point. Like, seriously!? If I have to wake-up in the first place, it should be something necessary. If I would have to dress myself, it is already enough that I cover myself properly and have a clean face without smudging anything to it. If I would ever drink something, I would think twice before damaging my internal organs.

Boring right? I think so too. But, no matter I think about it. This is who I am. This is my satisfaction.

"Oooooopppss, sorry!!" this is my nephew, Raiven. He is just three years old, and it is so cute how he says sorry every time he commits mistakes. He accidentally spilled his milk on me, but it's not that a big deal. I know he is sincere while apologizing to me, but I don't want to spoil him. I want to him to see me as a strict aunt.

"It's okay." I said going back to eating. Yeah, I did spaced-out while eating. I don't often do this. It just occurred for over a week now after it synced on me that I am now engage.


Way back last month …

"Ma, why have you called me?!" I asked while gasping air from exhaustion. I am telling you it is really exhausting. I don't know how far it was but I travelled from my school which is in the city going to our house in the province for just less than an hour which it normally takes 3 hours to make it without traffic.

"Pa? Are you not feeling well again?" I ask with concern. When my mother called me, she was like in the verge of crying, it made me worry so much.

They were facing back at me. So I don't know what exactly is happening. When they turned in my way, I saw joyous smiles on them. It made me cluelessly smile. It was weird. It was different from what I am expecting.

"What are you doing at the door? This is also your house, why are you emitting an uncomfortable aura?" my father said guiding me to sit in the living room without hiding his smile.

"Have you eaten yet?" a woman asked. She was sitting in front of me, but I don't know her though he was familiar. Just when she talked, I realized that there are two other figures that are present too.

"I'm fine." I replied politely.

"You're so reserved! I like that but you don't have to be like that to me." She smiled giggled sweetly. "After all, we are going to be a family."

Everyone laughed as she let go of those words, I did too. Wow, that's wonderful. She seems nice for a mother-in-law. I wonder which of my siblings is getting married.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself to you. We have met before when you were still young, I bet you don't remember. I am Meredith. Your mother and I have been close friends for such a long time. I always hang around here when we haven't moved yet to states. This is my husband, Franklyn, and my son Francis. You used to play together when you were still young, so close that he had cried so much when we migrated." The nudged her elbow to him, I think it was a sign that means he needs to reach my hand and so he did.

"Hi, I'm Francis. Nice meeting you. By the way I hope you would not agree to this f*****g marriage." After saying that in a straight face he smiled and then left.

I tried to smile just like how my parents taught me how when we have guests. I am not to socializing after all. "nice to meet you…..hmmmm.. what marriage?"

I look at my parents confused. Everyone looked at me in disbelief like when you discovered the culprit in horror movies.