
Loud music

People chattering

Splashing of water

Gabby can't help but roll her eyes after seeing a lot of people in their backyard. It seems like her sister is throwing a party again. Well, she already expected this, it's not like they have a peaceful weekend after all.

Her sister likes to mingle with a lot of people, it is already a fact. There will be no hours or day that her sister is not talking to people as if it is the sole purpose of her existence. Thus, she always wonders how her sister can continually talk for hours without running out of topic and of course, getting tired of talking. In her situation now, she'll need a lot of effort to have human interaction.

On the other hand, Alex saw her sister standing in front of her window. It seems like she was looking at the party she organized. She was about to invite her sister when she remembered that her sister started to avoid socializing with other people since they moved in this place. So, she just turned around as if she was barely passing by her sister's room.

It was already 12 midnight and the party were about to end. The guests started to leave the place one by one. Some were wasted or tipsy while the others were already tired or sleepy. All the guests were satisfied with the party, they all have fun. It was nice to attend a party after their stressful days in school.


A tipsy guy abruptly searches for a restroom. He keeps looking around, but his vision is quite blurry and his surrounding his spinning like crazy. Despite his situation, he still saw one, so he went there.

Gabby is in the kitchen getting some snacks when she heard footsteps walking towards their kitchen. Her body became stiff and her heart is beating fast.

It is a known rule that no one can enter their house, that's why they have everything that their guest will need in their backyard especially the amenities. Gabby doesn't like people loitering inside their house, so the twins made a deal about having a guest and both the twins agreed on that kind of set up.

On the other hand, the tipsy guy who was unaware to his surrounding goes straight to the kitchen after he went to the restroom. He wanted to grab a water as he was getting thirsty. When he got closer, he saw someone standing inside yet he can't see it properly, but he knew that it's a girl because of its scent.

He is now extremely closer to the girl when another girl appears. He's not sure if it's only his imagination but he saw two Alex in front of him. The Alex who was wearing a robe grabbed him by his shoulder and assisted him to go somewhere he didn't even know, he was too wasted to process what was happening. At this moment, he just want a water to quench his thirst.

He looked back at the place where he was before, and he still saw a silhouette there. He tried to shake his head and confirmed what he saw, yet when he looked back again, the figure was nowhere to be seen already. He then realized that maybe it was the alcohol.

On the other hand, Gabby heaved a sigh of relief and left their kitchen without bringing the snacks she prepared. She suddenly didn't have the energy to eat, she just wanted to sleep. She feels like all her energy drained because of the encounter a while ago. She is thankful that her sister came in the right time because she doesn't know what to do.


After a while, the guy was a little bit sober already when he remembered what he saw earlier. He can't just shrug the idea that he saw two Alex in front of him especially that they were wearing different clothes at the same time. So, to make his mind on peace, he made sure that he'll ask Alex about it. Although they are friends, they don't like asking questions about their personal lives as it is not that important. Thus, he really knew nothing about Alex.