
Talk about her

Miguel expected that after talking about his adventures, the catching up phase will be done already. Little did he know that it was just a preface. The real story that they want to hear is about her.

"Tell us something about the girl who manages to break your heart."

"Well…She was pretty" Miguel don't know what to say so he just answered what came to his mind first.

"Miguel would you really deprive us from knowing her? It's very clear that she wasn't just pretty. Tell us something other than that." Chris added. He is also curious about the girl, so he can't just sit back and waste this opportunity.

Miguel think for a while before giving them a more accurate answer though he was afraid that words will never be enough to describe her.

"Well, she was a warm person. She was caring to the people who she was closed with. If given a chance, she'll do everything for those people." While Miguel was talking about the girl he was in love with, there was a warm gaze in his face. The people around him can see how much he cared about the girl because on the look of his face.

Miguel was smiling while he was continuously talking about her. He was happy because he was not as confused as he was before. His mind was as clear as a crystal now.

"She always does her best on the things she likes. She was also very curious on the things around thus she likes trying something new. In short, she was like a kid." Talking about her pushed him to reminisce the day that they were still together.

The people around him realized that Miguel really loved the girl just by looking at his face which softens when he talked about her. No wonder he was heartbroken when they parted ways.

Until this moment, they can tell that Miguel still loves her.

"She wasn't really the talkative type, she will only express her opinions if she needs to. Other than that, she'll just be quiet by your side. Yet, if she's comfortable with you, she'll be talking to you a lot. She normally talks to me a lot." Miguel smiled because he was proud that he was one of the people whom she was comfortable with.

"She's also a keen observer. So, when she saw someone who's uncomfortable, she'll try to make him or her be comfortable. She's easy to be with so people tend to be comfortable with her."

"She seems like a sweet and a warm person. You have a found a nice lady, Migs." Miguel felt proud when he heard his aunt feedback about the girl. He doesn't like for his family to harbor ill feelings for her because of him.

'That girl deserves to be treated well, she's too kind for her own good, too selfless.' Miguel thought.

"What happened between the two of you?" His aunt asked out of curiosity. His aunt was sure that Miguel is a nice guy and the girl seems to be good too. So, what could be the problem?

"Our relationship was complicated, it was like a sweet dream that turns into a worst nightmare." Miguel replied and showed a bitter smile.

"Why do you say so?" Chris asked.

"It's a long story."

Sensing that Miguel won't say anything anymore, his aunt already decided that it was already enough for today. It was time for her nephew to rest.

"That's fine, Miguel. Let's finish this now, you must be tired already." His aunt replied and then turned to his child. "Chris! Lead your cousin to his room." His aunt dismissed the topic already because it seems like Miguel wasn't ready to share their story yet.

While they were walking up the stairs, Miguel saw her aunt's painting of a turtle in the wall. He halted his steps and turn around to face her aunt again, then he added something about the girl.

"She also likes a turtle just like you, auntie." Her aunt was taken aback when Miguel told him that, she was confused on why would his nephew have to tell it to her but she just nodded her head and smiled to him.

After that, they said their 'goodnight's' with each other.

Miguel wanted to tell that to his aunt because it was a crucial charm of that girl that differentiate her from her sister. Other than that, they also have different personalities.

He was too d*mb before because he didn't notice the difference between the two but who could blame him, he didn't know before that there are two of them. He thought that they are just one person.

He would trade anything, if he could just go back from the past to redo it. Yet, he can just be regretful because it's far from reality, he can't and won't be able to redo the things that had happened before. It's far from the ability of humans.